Pain of my broken heart

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It's broken

It can never be repaired

Rip it out!

Take my heart

For there is no need for it anymore

The pain

Oh the pain

I can no longer take

I cut

And tried and tried

To take my life

All because of the pain

The pain of my broken heart

My broken heart

But if you take it

Please just take it away

I can leave this world

I don't want to keep bleeding

Bleeding love for those who wont give any

Do you know the feeling

You just try to take a blade to your skin

Filled with anger 

Burning within

Hating yourself and the world around you

Not stoping until blood is pouring out of you

Lying alone 

In a pool of your own blood

Crimison colored rain

Cuts and scratches

Deep wounds 

Of hurt and sadness

Dark secrets

Sssh never tell

You're finally living 


The relief 


Letting it all go

Trust me 

I know

I know the pain of a broken heart

My broken heart

Always looking for a cure

Something to fix it

But can't be found

I thought I had

But turned out to be more pain

Curse them

For they shall remain under my feet til the day I die

Which should come soon

Sooner than later

That's my choice

I hate being stabbed in the back


By those who "care"

My "friends"

Just a bunch of backstabbers

Leave me alone

All you do is try to hurt me

But why

You don't know 

Know the pain of a broken heart

The pain of my broken heart

Unless you have lived 

My life

You will never understand.

Pain of my broken heartWhere stories live. Discover now