Chapter one

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Momo's Pov

New school! New me! Only 4 from my old school were accepted into Ouran High school. Me, Kairie, Toji and Sae! Why? I kept thinking over and over to myself. Sai was one girl who I hated most for what she had put me through even though I guess she had changed it would still be so awkward. Before I went through the gates I counted to three and took a deep breath.
"MOMO!!!" Kairie called out running to me.
At least, he was here and I wouldn't have to face an other school with Sai and Toji. My heart had been broken by him so many times and through it all there was one person by my side.
"Kairie," I smiled wrapping my arm around him to give him a hug.
As he huggede back, I felt like all my worries and all my troubles had disappeared.

Misa's POV

Running into school, I held Light's hand and dragged him through the gates. There were lots of people there but 1 couple caught my eye.
"One day," I started, looking into Light's eyes, "I hope we can be just like them."
Light didn't answer. Maybe he was thinking and hoping to be able to do that with me one day. I heard a small part of their conversation and managed to hear what their names were.
"Momo? Why do you look so worried?" The boy asked looking down lovingly at his girlfriend.
"I'm scared what happened in our last school is gonna happen here. Kirie! Please tell me you won't leave me for someone else..." She answered in a worried tone.
I had to become friends with them no matter what I had to find out how to become as close of a couple as them.... Not that me and Light weren't close we were just not as close as them.

Serinuma's POV

First day of school, I was super pumped. This had been my dream school ever since I founded out about it. Mainly because I heard  they had a host club with cute boy to ship together. The others could barely keep up with me and Natsuda as we speed through the gates right to the music room where the host club was held.
"2 new members boss!" One of them told the cute boy wit blond hair.
They all came over and introduced themselves. Me and Natsuda could choose whoever we wanted so of course we chose the twins.
"Hikaru..." Kaoru looked desperately into his twins eyes, "I love you but... your my brother...."
We squealed excitedly watching the 2 Brothers romantic moment.

Ema's POV

Today was the day. The day is transferred to ouran high school. It wasn't just me though. Fuuto and Yusuke would also be with me. As Fuuto was the world known the celebrity I was kind of curious to know how the other girls react. Yusuke wasn't though. When the girls pulled him away from us I could see how annoyed Yusuke was.
"Why is he always the centre of attention just cause he's a singer and.... ugh he just makes me so mad!!!" Yusuke was really so mad at the situation and then I remembered.
"Hey why don't we go check out the host club!"
I grabbed his hand and ran all the way the where I heard the host club was held. There were so many people but I could already see who the host club members were. 2 of them (twins) were already entertaining a purple haired girl and a greyish, greenish haired girl. The others came over to us.
"Looks like we have an other prince and princess joining us," the blonde had introduced.
Maybe this wasn't the right place to take Yusuke. His expression had a mix of awkwardness and jealousy. He stayed there for a few minutes before walking out.
"Oh don't worry about him he's just a bit upset," I apologised almost whispering.
All I could do was go see where Yusuke was and hope he hadn't gone to far without me.

Mc's POV

Today was the first day going to a rich school. Jumin has payed for all the RFA members to attend Ouran High school so it was me, Zen, Jumin, Seven, V, Yoosung and Jaehee. This was really going to be exciting. Especially to meet new friends but I've got to admit I was more nervous then anything. Just then, I felt a manly, muscular arm around me.
"Hey babe don't worry you'll be fine," Zen comforted in his flirty way. At that moment, a bleach blonde haired girl and what seemed to be her boyfriend came over to us.
"Wait! Mc I've got to check if they're safe first," Seven joked.
"I won't be in a minute," the girl joked back.
I just laughed. Seemed as if we had made 2 new friends already.
"By the way I Momo and this is Kairi my boyfriend," She introduced.
"I'm Mc, this is Zen, Seven, Jumin, Yoosung, V and Jaehee," As I spoke I pointed at each of the RFA members.
Momo seemed to be so friendly and Kairie definitely seemed perfect for her.  Except Jaehee and the girls everyone call snakes she was really the first girl I had spoke to since I joined the RFA.

Haruhi's POV

The host club was obviously going to be more packed then usual. 15 new students average people who were so smart they got a scholarship just like me. 20 average people if you include the students who got into Ouran High by their friend paying for them all to attend. Already I had met 4 of the new students and there were obviously more to come. The host club was really so popular it was basically on the letter of information.
"Haruhiiiii," Tamaki Senpai called, "Come meet the new guests!"
I walked over and saw there were now 2 more guests.
"Hiiiii I'm Sae and this is my boyfriend Togigamori," she sounded very loud and playful but in the other hand her "boyfriend" was different.
"Please just call me Toji," he spoke in the most monotoned voice I had ever heard.
Something about him just didn't seem happy. Actually his eyes looked as if he was ready to cry. As if all he needed was a hug from that one special girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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