The Creature of Insanity

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Everyone has one night in their lives where the mind is weakened more then it ever will be. One this night if the conditions are right you will look out your bedroom window to see a dark figure looking back at you. Perhaps you have blinds or curtains over your window. That won't matter you'll still see the dark silhouette of the creature. It's red eyes will be glowing in the darkness piercing into your soul. Do not look away. Stare straight at it and show no fear. If it sees fear in your soul it will take you. You will become the monster outside the window, and it will become you. The thing outside your window is insanity. If you are not careful it will slowly take away every bit of your sanity until there is nothing left. Do not hate the creature though for once it was just like you. A child staring into the eyes of insanity. That child showed fear and now it is the monster. It looks for someone to trade places with. It wants a chance to live a normal life. It is cursed with the fate of spending eternity looking for a victim until it finds one. You might notice how it's body blends with the darkness around it making it difficult to figure out what it looks like. You may see the three large claws made of shadows attached to it's arms. The creature is made of shadows. The six claws dig into the frame of your window allowing it to stay in place. the creature can not stay long though, but whatever you do do not fall asleep. You must keep staring at the creature. If you should succeed the creature will leave and you will have no memory of it. There will be no trace of it to be found and it will move onto another poor soul that may not be as lucky as you. If you should fail may fate be by your side my friend.   

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