Quitting isn't an option.

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You always insist that your world is caving in at every angle, but in reality you have it pretty damn good considering you are a middle class citizen with a roof over your head and clothes on your back. Your parents or guardian work there butts off just to give you the life that they probably never had. I can remember in the eighth grade I had this one particular classmate. She was on the higher side of the popularity spectrum and she claimed that her whole life was shitty and worthless. Everyone fell for her sob story. Little did anyone know, her mom and dad were low class immigrants with no income. They managed to work different jobs on and off just to give their daughter everything she ever wanted. They wear dirty worn down clothes and have a dumpy house because they put their child before themselves. Many people would make fun of these people and call them minorities but I think the complete opposite. They are wonderful and the society needs more people like them because you know damn well that there are plenty of terrible people out there. The girls parents died in a car accident at 4:30 a.m. driving to a recent employment site. They veered off the road and smashed into a tree because they both fell asleep. They hadn't got to sleep until 3:00 that morning when they got home from a different job. The girl found out that morning while at school, questioned her decisions and choices she has ever made and then killed herself because she couldn't live without them. If you ask me, I honestly think that the girl was broken down inside. I'm sorry this had to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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