Reaching For The Skies

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A/N - First, I apologize to those of you who had no idea a ship like this existed. Second, I apologize to those of you who have at least considered this ship and are about to read this. Third, I apologize to all of you who didn't know the ship existed but are going to read this anyway. 


Falling in love, in Abi's opinion, was like following a bird flying in the sky, never able to catch up to it. But of course, that was just his own opinion based off of his own love. And for Abi, falling in love had been the biggest mistake of his life. He had had no intention of falling in love, it only meant disruption to his goal of protecting his king. Moreover, finding someone willing to put up with him, his attitude and his monster like abilities now was impossible.

"Abi, can you find Shuten? We've been looking everywhere." Hiryuu called Abi, breaking him out of his reverie. Abi looked up from the scroll he had been reading through.

"Shouldn't he be up in the trees or on some rooftop?" Abi got up and dusted off his clothes.

"That's what we thought and we've been searching but we just can't find him. We even used our dragon connection to find him, but other than determining that he's somewhere in this wing, nothing." Guen ruffled his hair with his human hand. Abi nodded and then gazed around, drinking in the sights and then spotting the Ryokuryuu on top of the spire on the roof.

"Found him, he's on the top most point of the roof." Abi turned back to Guen and Hiryuu.

"Well, why don't you shout the best insult you can find to get him to come down?" Guen suggested.

"Now, we don't have to-" Hiryuu started.

"Hey, drunkard shark face! Get down here!" Abi yelled.

"What was that, you bastard?" Shuten roared, landing in front of them in one bound. "Do you want a taste of my spear?"

"I'll paralyze you before you even move an inch!" Abi shouted back.

"Just try it, you freak!" Shuten snarled.

"Bring it on, you hooligan!" Abi hissed.

"Both of you, please stop." Hiryuu sighed. Abi and Shuten straightened up, still glaring at each other. "Shall we now go for the peace meeting with the tribes from the west?"

"Yes, King Hiryuu." Shuten, Abi and Guen chorused simultaneously.

"Well then, let's go. Zeno should be waiting for us by the gate."

Abi wasn't sure when exactly it started. Perhaps it was when they were in a fight and Shuten saved him. It had happened countless times after all. But Abi was pretty sure his feelings weren't so shallow. Maybe it was listening to him talk when he was drunk? He was extremely affectionate and ridiculous when he was drunk. Whatever it was, Abi couldn't put his finger on it.

"Ryokuryuu, come down from that tree. The King is looking for you." Abi called up into the dense leaves. Somehow, he was always the one sent to find Shuten. Well, he was the second youngest. The King had become very protective of Zeno, so Zeno didn't have as many errands to run like he used to. If the rest of them weren't as sharp as they were, they might have protested about favoritism but they all could see it, the youngest member had somehow changed and it worried all of them.

"Ah, pushed around by Hakuryuu again, were you, second youngest?" Shuten landed next to Abi.

"I don't want to hear a thing from you, Ryokuryuu." Abi muttered.

"Call me 'Shuten', why don't you? We've known each other long enough and have been through all kinds of things together, Abi." Shuten poked his forehead and then walked off. Abi stood there, his face painted red.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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