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Moxy's pov

"Fangle get up"

Fangle's pov


Moxy's pov


Fangle's pov

"Cause first of all yer not the boss of me and second of all don't yell at me that's wh-"

Foxy's pov

(Sighs) "fangle just get off the lass so she can shut up and move on with her life"

Moxy's pov

"Don't tell me to shut"

Foxy's pov

"Then shut up.....daughter"

Mangle's pov

"Oh will the both of ye shut up!"

Foxy's pov

"Oh....hey babe sorry to wake ye"

Fangle and Moxy's pov

"Ooooh ye in trouble"

Foxy's pov

"Shut yo face"

Mangle's pov

"Shut yo face foxy"

Foxy's pov

"Make me" (smirks)

Mangle's pov

"Wait here"

Fangle and Moxy's pov

"Oh boy"


Foxy and Mangle's pov

(Making out)

Foxy's pov

"Hehe" (grabs her thigh softly)

Mangle's pov

(Moans softly) "mmm" (rubs her hands down foxy's toned chest and abs) "so hot"

Foxy's pov

(Grabs her butt) "so juicy"

Mangle's pov


Foxy's pov


Mangle's pov

"We can't not while the kids are-"

Foxy's pov

"Shh they're fine...."

Mangle's pov


Foxy's pov

"Fine we'll do it later tonight"

Mangle's pov


(They come out of their room)

Fangle and Moxy's pov

(Playing and giggling)

Foxy's pov

"See? Fine"

Mangle's pov

(Rolls eyes)

End of chapter one

I promised ye I'd make a sequel and here it is hope ye liked it and don't forget to comment below

Foxy x Mangle : Little Troubles (18+)Where stories live. Discover now