Tin Box

105 7 3

Busted up.
Empty and poor
But full of happiness and rich with memory's
Spilling over with good and bad
Memories that are happy and sad
It might look like a tin box to me
What more can it be
It's sun shine in the morning
And the stars at night
Touch it and you won't get a warning
Ill kill you then lock you up tight
It's not an empty box
It means the world to me
It's all and more than i want it to be
It has cracked and a dent
But each one has meaning they were ment
Happy feelings
Sad feelings
Angry emotions
Still motions
Days of being alone
The box is a happy zone
Inside may not be money or anything you can see
But whats inside is important to me
Hurt but loved
Still surviving
Me and my tin box

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