The odd one's out

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My name is Luna.
This story started when I was born. You see I wasn't different but I wasn't not normal either. The thing is I looked just like any other wolf in my pack but inside something was burning in my scrawny little body and I couldn't control even though I tried my hardest. I know the anticipation of what is wrong with me probably doesn't even matter to you but whatever I'll tell you anyway. The day I was born I was completely normal, as a 2 month old pup something started happening. Every time the feeling burned in my chest my fur turned blue in the moon light  and something appeared on my hind leg, a moon. This continuously happened until I was about 6 months old, you may be thinking that is a good thing but the thing is when that stopped the marks became permanent, fur that shined dark blue in the moonlight and a moon on my hind leg. Let's just say I didn't have many friends and the 2 friends I had weren't normal either. But they were a different kind of odd then me, thunder was a black wolf with cloudy gray spots on him and lighting was a white wolf with a mark that looked as if she had a lighting bolt on her body in black. We were best friends, all three of us and we did everything together. When we were 3 years old we started drifting apart, well not thunder and lightning they had actually became mates and left me myself. At 4 we hadn't talked since my 3rd birthday, but things started getting stranger so I reached out to them. They stayed with me for a bit and we were trying to understand exactly what was going on. I was growing wings, it was painful and felt like hell. And I didn't understand how any of this is even possible I mean a winged wolf? Only wolf gods and goddesses get wings and a hind leg mark so we didn't know what was going on at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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