- Zarvos -

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Fear. that was the only word going through my mind. My best friend was right next to me in the car as we head to this "leadership class".  A class that makes you become a better person a only 3 days. let me give you a background on who i am. I'm Cassie, most people call me Cass. I'm 15, and live in Alabama. My entire family lives in Indiana. My grandmother has done this " leadership" class and wanted me to do it. Me, i'm not shy, i don't like being in the corner and nobody see me, but going to this class, changed me. i was shy, scared. and that one word kept running through my mind. It was winter, i remember running through the snow. I remember Makayla asking me "should i wear heels?" and she slipped while in the parking lot of Zarvos. As me and her walked into the building we took in the view. it wasn't that large, it was a small entrance area with 2 long couches lining the hall. a table with name tags. i read the table of names mumbling the names. "Noah, Thomas, Ivie, Jack, Devin, Gage.." and so on. There were two tags with the name "Cassie S." and "Cassie W.". Makayla and I pick up our name tags and put the tags on for each other.  We walk down another long hallway lined with doors and a red carpet on the floor. There was music playing in the farthest door on the left. The room has white boards on the farthest wall and 2 groups of chairs facing them. most in the front were filled. We were late and as we walked in everyone turned around. I was nervous, i didn't know if i should wave, keep my head down, say hi, or try and be the outgoing person i usually am.

"Hello, Take a seat please. preferable close to the front please" the woman at the front spoke.

she was dressed very nice. i tried to focus on little details about her to distract myself form that one word pounding in my mind. She was short, darker skin complexion. Older, but not 60, maybe early 50's.

"Hello, this is the first teen Zarvos class. My name is Nora" when she was finished speaking everybody gave a big shout and i was brought out of my own thought.

"to start off the class i would like everybody to stand up and say something about yourself. One thing we will learn in this class in confidence. Many teens have trouble with public speaking. We are trying to help"

As everyone stood up one by one 2 people stood out the most to me. First was Cassandra Williams, She said she was very loud and everybody laughed. she pointed at me and said we both share the same name so you can call me Casandra. The second was Ivie Storey, she didn't explain anything about her self, she said she wasn't sure what to say and looked round the class. Mrs.Nora  explained that she must say something. She said her best friend was Cassie and sat down fast. They where in the front row.  As everybody took a turn standing up i was trying to think what i wanted to say. My turn came.. I stood up with full confidence and spoke " Heyo, My name is Cassie Schrock, and i have done competition cheer for 11 years with my best friend"i pointed to Makayla.


" So, Lets start with our first exercise. Will everyone please move there chairs to the walls and come back to the center of the room."

as we all moved everybody started having there own conversation until Nora started to explain what we were to do.

"Okay! everybody may i please have your attention. This is a trust exercise, I would like you to go around to everyone and just look at them. Most everybody here doesn't know anybody here. I will give you all a few minutes to go around and say either i trust you, I do not trust you, or I do not know if i trust you yet. I went to every single person and told them i trusted them. The two girls i spoke about earlier. Cassie said she trusted me, But Ivie did not. Me and me best friend said we didn't trust each other and died laughing, of course we trust each other!

On our way home we had the heat all the way up in the car and couldn't stop talking about what we did in class. Makayla has more to talk about because she had more of an impact in her life with leadership and stuff. That was most of the night was talking about what happened. We cuddled on the couch and fell asleep. Her smiling, me... in shock.

who knew?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz