Little Tic...Little Toc...Pt. 01

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A shared free flow poem created with the help of a fellow late night online stranger.

You: Little tic, little toc..little tic, little toc...

Stranger: I just dropped on the spot

You: It was all that sung in his mind...the echoing silence fading to the thump of impact of his knees

Stranger: I can hear the heaves, crumple like dead lives, live like old trees

You: All the while, the space of distance widening between the two..tic..toc..., his breaths spacing wider and wider

Stranger: His thoughts are like a lighter, spread to these, which choke and cannot breath.

You: "Will she be okay?" He thought...little tic...little toc...taking the few remaining breaths, he could smell the tickle of powder and heat, the dragons breath as it danced from it steel cave....

Stranger: My feelings, oh what with I'm dealing!

You: Laying there, as his final thought strayed, as the side of his face and palm felt the warmth of mothers earth, feeling his own clock pacing slower, and slower...

Stranger: Don't kill him man! He was a San Francisco Fan!

You: Shouted a man from the crowd...

Stranger: and this chick was like: Oh wow!

You: As the cops swarmed the wielder of a smoking dragon, tackling him down giving envy to ants...

Stranger: while a girl is slammed down with foul

You: Caring no more of the score, of the varied colors dancing in the core, hearing only the swishing sound of the multitude scatter

Stranger: lol why does this matter?

You: As I thought, watching the 10 o'clock news

Stranger: another is shot, and electrocuted with a kilowatt

You: Their time to hear one another, and fear their wrath boiling so hot

Stranger: they like damn son, that was fun

You: as he caught the ball on the field, smiling to his friends thinking within that moment..' man, I'm gonna be famous. '

Stranger: but can i handle it?

You: He thought...wondering all the while of what would become of he

Stranger: he would become me!

You: Taking a sigh, smiling to his life, friends and breath, the day has passed and ended, laying his head down to rest

Little Tic...Little Toc...Pt. 01Where stories live. Discover now