Chapter 1

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Before I start this first chapter, it does involve threats, abuse and self-harm. Just know that this does not actually go out to you guys! You're all beautiful my lovely readers!

Reader's POV:

  Slowly turning the knob to the front door, I took a deep but silent breath. I held the strap of my backpack, looking inside to see my foster dad, as usual, sprawled out on the couch with a beer in his hand. I sighed in releif, heading up the stairs to my small, closet bedroom.

"Where do you thing your going, little brat?"

  I froze halfway up the stairs, slowly turning around to see my foster mother, lighting a cigarette in her hand. She glared at me as I tried to find the right words to say.

"U-Uh... J-Just heading to my room to do my schoolwork..."

  She rolled her eyes, snapping her fingers, signaling to come down. I took a shakey breath, slowly making my way down the stairs. "Faster." I quickened my pace, looking up at the woman towering above me.

  I yelped in pain as she grabbed my wrist, pressing the burning ash of her cigarette to my hand. "St-Stop! I-It hurts!" The abusive woman whom I call my foster mother, gave me a soul-piercing glare.

  "That, was for being late you little crap. I wouldn't doubt that you just stayed out doing drugs with idiotic friends- Oh! Thats right... You dont have any."

  Tears flooded my eyes, the smell of burnt flesh filing my nose. "Well maybe I would have friends if you actually let me do stuff, and stopped abusing me so much to the point that I have to where a long sleeved shirt and a sweater to cover up the scars..."

  She took a puff of her cigarette, then turned to me. "You know, Its not our you cant make friends. It's all yours. Acting like your just like everyone else... Well your not. Your just some waste of space. An idiotic little girl who's parents were killed. The only reason we keep you alive, is because we are getting paid for it. Otherwise there would be plenty of people who would've killed you on the spot int our vicious little world. So really... You SHOULD be thanking us."

  I felt my patience growing smaller and smaller. Biting my lip, I tried to keep my mouth shut and swallowed any and all sarcastic comments. That I so desperately wanted to throw at her.

"You're weak, Trash, a waste of space."

  Thats when my temper broke. In a blur of blind rage, my fist collided with her jaw. I shook my head, looking at the blood that now decorated my knuckles. 'Oh crap...'

  I looked back to my foster mother, sitting on the ground holding her jaw. She looked up, a vicious look in her eye that would send chills up your spine. In this case though, chills were sent up mine.

  She got up, grapping the collar of my sweater. "You little crap... You are NOTHING. Nobody cares about you. Not even a little. Heck, everything would be so much better if you were dead."

  Multiple emotions an thoughts floded my mind, staring at the murderous look on her face. Though I was snapped back to reality from a growl. "Go to your room. Your 'Dad' and I will decide your punishment when he wakes up."

  She threw me back into the stairs, leaving me scrambling to my feet. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, closing the door behind me. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I slid down the door. So many things were going through my head all at once.

'Nobody cares about you'

'You're weak!'


'Everyones lives would be so much better if you were dead.'

  I furrowed my eyebrows, ahaking my head as I walked to my box of things. They never gave me much except a box and a sleepingbag in an old storage room.

  I sat my backpack by my sleeping bag. Turning to the box, I packed 3 items I was allowed to take with me when I entered the foster program.

  A pair of black, slightly torn fingerless gloves my father gave me when I got my first bike... They looked better when I first got them.

  A small meif'wa doll with button eyes with quite a few spots that looked like it needed repairs.

  Finally, a worn put picture of a small family... They looked so happy.

  I smiled to myself as I changed into a F/C T-shirt, black leggings and a pair of black converse. I looked at the many cuts, bruises and scars along my arms. 'I wont have to deal with this for much longer...'

  I slipped a light grey hoodie over my head, sighing once the scars were covered up. Noticing the newest burn on my hand being the only wound showing, I decided to put the gloves on as well.

  I winced when the leather fabric met the burnt flesh of my hand, but shook it off. There was no use yelping out in pain, or crying. I'd only get beaten again, resulting in more scars.

  I walked over to my small window, opening the hatch. I looked out and down towards the ground. A panel for a grape vine led up the wall and next to the window. 'I could use that as a ladder...' I thought to myself.

  I climbed out the window and made my down the vines and wooden panels. I took deep breaths trying not to look down. I wasnt the biggest fan of hieghts.

  With my feet finally on firm ground, I ran across the back yard and hopped over the fence. I looked over the forest to see the one and only Mount Ebbot. I smiled and set off into the forest, making sure that no neighbors or my foster parents saw me leave.

  After a few miles of walking, I finally made it to the monsterous mountian. In front of me was a large, never ending abyss of a hole. Where I planned to end my life and be reunited with my parents.

  I've heard so many rumors about how the underground caverns of Mount Ebbot were inhabited by monsters. Vicious, Threatening, cruel creatures who killed for pleasure.

  Could the rumors be true? I dont necessarily care, Im ending my life here and now. So why waste time thinking about rumors.

  I stepped to the edge of the vine surrounded abyss. I turned around to get a last glimse of the sun setting over the forest. I smiled.

  I took a deep breath, letting myself fall back into the abyss. Darkness surrounding me, the only light I see is the entrance of the cavern.

'See you soon Mom, Dad...'

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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