1. Dante POV

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Dante stared through his dark room at the blinking red numbers. 3:25.

"Go time," He whispered. He rolled out of bed and slipped on his black jacket.  He carefully climbed out of his window,gripping the vines on the side of the house. Making his way down the street, he thought about his plans for this morning. From 3:25 to 5:25 he'd be a leader, a criminal, and a monster. And he loved it. 

Your name is Dante Rhee and you are 17 years old. You come from a hostile family. Your dad is Korean and your mom is Russian. Your parents love you to the end of time but sometimes it doesn't feel like it. You've  lived in the same cul-de-sac your whole life. You're starting to hate it. One of your favorite things is space. You hate classical music, you're more of an alternative fan. When you were 14 your best friend's parents died. He lived with you for a half a year. Then he went missing. You and your parents were distraught. Your parents had organized the two of you to become friends when you were toddlers because they were friends with his parents. After a couple years of being forced to be friends the two of you were inseparable. The first year of no friends whatsoever was hard until you found a night job. You joined a gang and the next thing you know people were calling you their leader. When you realized being the leader was more dangerous than just hacking into security, you started wearing a bandana over your eyes, with two holes. To see through obviously. You always put you and your gang up to challenging tasks. Not everyone gets out without an injury but you're quick to get them to safety. It made it easier to build trust. Why should they have trusted a 16 year old? Because he's smart. He has a lot of knowledge in psychology, weaponry, and martial arts. He got into their heads and built an army. He made plenty of money each night. 

He stopped in front of an alleyway. He took a blue fabric out of his pocket and tied it around his head, covering his eyes. Two holes were cut out so he could see. He went down the alleyway and into an abandoned warehouse behind a store. 

"Waddup." He rang the bell over the door when he walked in. 

"What are we doing tonight??" Gang members gathered around him.

"Just some basic stuff. I need a couple men to have my back for a personal mission." He walked to the front of the room. 

"I'll do it." Someone walked foward. It was Adrio. Dante knew him from school. 

"Okay if you're coming I think...I will be fine! The rest of you, you have your assignments. Now scatter." He took out his gun and loaded it. Everyone went running except Adrio.

"You don't think we'll run into the Feline will we?" Adrio didn't seem scared as much as he seemed worried. The Feline was a justice vigilante who targeted gangs and mafias. Nobody knows what his face looks like under his mask or where he's from. The part that worries people the most is that those who escape him, claim they saw a blue flashing light when he showed up and right before someone's taken out.

"We won't and if we do," he turned the safety off on his gun. "He won't get the drop on me."

The two walked down the road in silence. They were on their way to a night club. Not to enjoy themselves but to take care of business. See a few weeks ago, the owner of the club, Ramirez, tried to kill him. It hurt like a bitch. So now he's repaying the favor.

"So Adrio just the usual plan, okay?"

"Bring him out back, stab him, walk away. Leave no fingerprints."

"Good." They walk up to the building.

"Names and IDs." The bouncer at the front looked down at Dante.

"I'm here to see Ramirez. He's expecting me. It's Rheo." The bouncer nodded and let them in. They made their way to the back, stopping in front of the door.

"Do want me to come in, sir?" Adrio stared at the door handle.

"No stay right here. Don't let anyone in. Get a drink if you want." He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. "Ramirez."

"Rheo. What are you doing back here?"

"You know why I'm here." He pointed his gun at him.

"Perhaps there's a compromise that could happen here? Before jumping to homicide."

"No more compromise! I helped you out of a tight spot and you tried to kill me! I'm done playing your games Ramirez!" 

"May I have a final request?"

"...make it quick." He watched as the tall light haired man grabbed a flashlight and pointed it at the window. "What are you doing?"

"Shadow puppets...my sister loved shadow puppets.." He set up the flashlight. Dante turned away. He opened the door to check on Adrio. Who was gone. He must've gone off to get a drink... Suddenly the window shattered and someone was in the room with them. Dante turned. It was him...The Feline.

"Waddup chups!" The masked fiend stood and brushed off. He was pale with red hair, and was wearing a blue turtleneck and shorts. 

"You just interrupted the wrong meeting." Dante stared him down. Despite all the stories, he was not afraid of the guy. Sure people said he could kill people with a single touch or bring people back to life with ease.

"Aw really? Just saving this helpless man." He held up his hands. Dante went to shoot him but decided to shoot Ramirez and run. He shot at him a few times, all hitting him in the chest. He felt like he was being pushed to the ground. He could see the blue lights everyone always gossiped about.

"Nice seein ya mafia boy!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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