Bloody Sights

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The sun was rising the room was filling with light and i was not ready to wake up at all. I opened my eyes just enough to see the clock next to my bed blaring. It was 5 A.M. My roommate Sam was working on a paper she needed to do for school. She usually wasn't up around this be honest she's usually up at 6 A.M. but i won't judge.

I pulled myself out of bed, said hello to Sam and got ready for work. It was Saturday so I had to work for my dad. I texted him and said i'd be a tad bit late cuz there was traffic and a few minutes later he caught me on my bullshit. There was no traffic I just wanted to sleep in. He said that if i needed today for myself that i could and me being lazy me i said aright.

I grabbed my phone, Plugged in my earbuds, and listened to "brain damage" by EMINEM. I started dozing off before Sam woke me up and asked If I wanted to hang out after work. I said maybe If nothing popped up. She walked out of the room and I decided to get up and write in my book.

[Fast Forward 4 hours]

Sam texted me and said she was getting out of work early cuz of something that happened there. I texted back saying to meet at the park in 10 minutes. I got the ok and i started walking out of the room. I forgot something very important but i didn't notice until I was halfway down the road.

I was about 2 minutes from the park when i started to hear ringing in my ears. I intensified to the point that it was painful. Then I started seeing things way out of the ordinary. The road was covered in blood stains, the small shops on the side of the road, their window's had hand stains with blood dripping down and the sky was pitch black. I became so disoriented that I stumbled over and landed on the ground back against the wall and hands covering my head.

The only thing that broke me out of it was someone coming up to me and shaking me somewhat violently.

"Joe are you ok?"

I looked up to see sam shaking me. I shook my head off and snapped out of it.

"I'm fine. I just need to get something from the house."

She nodded and helped me get back to the house. I heard screams and saw some things...It was bad

We arrived back at the house and in my eyes i saw nothing but blood and bodies sitting against the door. Sam walked up and opened it and the bodies turned to dust. When the door was open fully I felt a surge of heat came over my body.

She guided me into the house and I found my pills. I popped 3 and the visions of blood and gore were gone...but I still felt tromatized. Here's a little backstory for you, my visions started when i met my grandfather. I saw my grandfather pulling out a 1911 and shooting my dad in the chest, then I imagined pulling a double barrel shotgun out of my bag and shooting him in the face twice before he fell to the ground. Ya and it's only gotten worse from there on out But i'm not gonna waste your time.

After I could hold my head on my shoulders again I got up, got sam up and we went on that walk to the park.

When we got there and sat down on the bench together The sights started coming in again. See she was leaning on my shoulder and I was obligated by boyfriend LAW to not move so I didn't...It was hard. I looked at one of the trees and I saw a man hanging from a tree. I could also hear voices in my head...They kept saying that, "one day that would be you!" I didn't listen to them and Just gritted my teeth at the sights I was seeing. I even saw the corps of a child on the ground surrounded by blood and fire. Thats what threw me over the edge. I smacked myself in the face and tryed not to show that i WAS LITUALY GOING SLOWLY INSANE!!!!

Thanks for reading. I'll be here writing, bye my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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