Spring and The Others

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Spring has swanned in,

Donning a jacket of blossoms,

Coaxing the sun to play out for a little longer each day.

I'm a big fan I must say,

Of spring and what she brings with her,

The little lambs, the daffodils, the rain,

Yes the rain which soaks the ground,

Makes my jeans fuse to my skin,

Gives life to us all.

Yet at the same time,

She always brings the right cocktail of bacteira,

Just at the moment when,

My immune systems takes a break,

So I'm left rubbing 'Vicks' on my chest,

Drinking honey and lemon,

Hacking out a lung and sneezing,

While she swans about with her pollen and her breeze.

Don't give me Summer for she brings me pain,

Makes the sun burn brighter,

Sears my skin.

Autumn I can do,

The wind, the rain,

I was made for Autumn with his colour,

He rides in with a cloak of leaves,

A swirling mess of golds and ambers,

He can stay.

When he leaves I know,

Soon I'll be chilled,

Right down to the bone,

Hoping for snow,

Praying it doesn't come,

For it's pretty for all of five minutes,

Until the slush appears and the brightness fades,

There are not enough hours in the day,

I want more light,

Yet the excuse to stay in bed beneath the covers,

Well every cloud has a silver lining.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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