Chapter 1

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Homeworld, 37,521 years ago, several thousand beryl soldiers emerged from the kindergarten. One of the final soldiers to emerge was an Aquamarine. A pair of cerulean blue eyes opened. She had thick, shoulder length dark cerulean blue hair with the right half of her face covered with bangs. She had light turquoise blue skin and was wearing an aqua green bodysuit with a light blue sheer skirt, indigo socks, and dark blue flats. There were thousands of soldiers crowded around everywhere. Morganites, Emeralds, Heliodors, Goshenites, and even more Aquamarines. They all knew where they were, where they were going, and what they were supposed to be doing. But Aquamarine didn't know anything about who or where she was. "H-hello? Can someone help me? Please?" Aquamarine said, in a nervous voice. "Get lost!" Yelled an Emerald soldier. "Oh, umm.... Oh hi
can you plea-" "No, I'm far too busy!" Exclaimed a Morganite, who didn't even stop or look at Aquamarine. "Oh-oh- okay." She backed up and then bumped into a Goshenite and an Emerald. "What's wrong with you?!" Shouted the Goshenite. "I-I'm sorry I-" "Didn't I tell you to get lost?! Get out of here runt!" Yelled the Emerald soldier from before. Aquamarine whimpered and ran away from the crowd into a spot that was almost completely empty, except for a few gems. Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl were waiting for her. "You'll be the next to be reviewed by the Diamonds," said Yellow Pearl, glancing at her. "Pearl....?" Said a gloomy voice. "Y-yes, m-my diamond?" Said Blue Pearl quietly. "Bring in Aquamarine Facet-93F4 Cut-9FA," said Blue Diamond. "Y-yes, my Diamond," replied Blue Pearl. "You may go in now," Blue Pearl said, looking at Aquamarine. "T-thank you." Aquamarine walked inside the room. "My Diamond," Aquamarine said nervously; saluting. "And you are Aquamarine Facet-93F4 Cut-9FA? Is that correct?" "Y-y-yes! M-my Diamond...." "May we review you, just to see how, I don't know.... Valuable you are?" Said Yellow Diamond, glaring at Aquamarine with a smirk on her face. "Oh well umm...." "Okay, let's see.... Ah, here's an easy one, but don't worry, they'll get harder. What is the name of the kindergarten that you emerged from moments ago?" "Oh well umm...." I don't know! Aquamarine thought in fear. "Is it umm-" "No! You were far too slow! Let's do a couple more! Only one more chance!" Blue Diamond opened her mouth to speak, but quickly closed it. "Okay let's see.... Name all of the gems in your class, other than Aquamarine," Yellow Diamond demanded. "Emerald and ummm......." "Again, too slow! Go faster! Let's do one more, and you're lucky I'm giving you one last chance. What is-" "Yellow?" Blue Diamond interrupted. "May I ask the final question?" "Go ahead, but it better be challenging." "It will be, I even had a Sapphire check for me." "Hmm, alright then, go on with it." "When will a Rose Quartz turn on her Homeworld, and start a rebellion against us? This will happen eventually, and let's see if even you can tell me when." Aquamarine froze. "I-I-I-I-...." "She's worthless, get her out of my sight," Yellow Diamond demanded, motioning the two Pearls to make her leave. Aquamarine sighed. She started walking around the kindergarten which was now empty, with her head down. Then she felt someone crash into her. Aquamarine stepped back. It was a Peridot. She had limb enhancers and everything. "I-I'm sorry I-" "Why are you still here?" Questioned the Peridot. "I don't know- I-I'll leave if you want me to! I'll-" "Do you even know where you're going?" Aquamarine shook her head. "I guess it's obvious," Peridot said, turning around. "Wait!" Exclaimed Aquamarine. "I really don't know where I'm going,-" "Obviously," Peridot said, cutting in. "Where am I supposed to go?!" Aquamarine questioned, finishing her sentence. "Okay fine, follow me." "T-thank you!" Aquamarine said, running towards her. "So, did you emerge just a few minutes ago?" Peridot asked. "Y-yes, and you?" "About an hour or two ago. Did the Diamonds already judge your value?" Aquamarine slowly nodded. "I wasn't even worth their time since Peridots aren't very high. But on the other hand, most Aquamarines are if the Diamonds think they're worth something. So what did they say about you?" "Oh umm.... Me? They didn't like me. I'm not worth a lot to them." "Hmm...." Peridot stopped to open a door. "So," Peridot began, "were you sent somewhere specific by them?" "N-no. I wasn't. What about you?" "No." Peridot stopped to open another door. "O-o-okay." "Were here." Peridot said. "What do you mean here?" Aquamarine questioned. "You'll see very soon. Come, follow me." "Oh umm.... Okay...." They walked through one final door.The door opened. "This is where you're supposed to be. Or at least I'd believe so." "Peridot?" Aquamarine started but as the door opened she stopped. "What?" Peridot responded, not realizing that Aquamarine wasn't paying attention. "Oh, what? Never mind." "You must have a short attention span, huh?" Asked Peridot, just watching her stare into space. "No, no it's not that, it's just I've never seen so many gems before...." "Oh, heh." Peridot made a dumb smile. "So, you'll probably get to meet the rest of the soldiers, that's Spinel Facet-9FK1 Cut-C38, that's Amethyst Facet-4F12 Cut-12L, and that's Emerald Facet-98OC Cut-7O2, and that's-" A tall green gem walked up. "Who is this?" She demanded. "Oh, this is Aquamarine Facet-93F4 Cut-9FA, Tourmaline. Aquamarine, this is Tourmaline Facet-2FL9 Cut-9XC-" "I didn't give you permission to reveal my identity!" Tourmaline scolded. "I-I'm sorry I-" "And I never requested a new recruit!" "I'm sorry! P-p-please forgive m-" Tourmaline glared at her. "Uhm, understood!" Peridot laughed nervously. "I better get going now, have fun with your new Aquamarine! Bye!" Tourmaline turned away from the door as Peridot opened it walked out. "So, why aren't you doing something important? Aren't Aquamarines high? All of the soldiers here have a low rank, except for me, of course!" "Umm, I was umm-" "They choose me- out of all the gems they could've chosen, me! They chose me to keep them in line, or try to at least." Tourmaline butted in. "I was rejected-" "But of course I'm capable of doing it!" Tourmaline said, interrupting again. "So, what were you saying?" "I was rejected by the Diamonds!" "Oh my, oh well, sorry to hear that! You're with us now, and you better listen, or else." "Or else what?!" Aquamarine said, frightened. "You'll see if you get in trouble. Okay well, go with the others I'll be with all of you in a moment, but right now I have to go make a report." She opened the door. Before walking out she turned around. "AND YOU BETTER BEHAVE YOURSELVES OR ELSE YOU'LL BE SHATTERED!" She cleared her throat. "Bye!" Aquamarine shrieked. "Shatter us?!" Aquamarine asked, fear in her eyes. "No, not really, at least I hope not. Sometimes I wonder with her though...." Said an Emerald soldier.
"She's scary," Aquamarine said, hoping Tourmaline didn't hear her somehow. "Come on, ill introduce you to everyone here. Just follow me, runt. Heh heh." "Okay, and don't call me runt!" "Like I'm gonna stop, but seriously, follow me." "Okay! I'm coming!" Tourmaline got closer to the door. She was waiting until the soldiers started fighting so she could punish them. "Why won't they do anything?! The Diamonds won't believe that they misbehave! But I need proof!" She said, stress in her voice.

Origins Vol. 1: AquamarineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ