The most untwanted friend

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The unwanted friend

Hi my name is trinity am the girl everyone hate you no they never like me they always call me names are they will push me around ever new kid come to our school the most popular kids will tell them not to talk to me are hang with me if they do they will end up just like me 😥 we'll want to no how I got the way I am we'll it all started I'm preschool at the playground I had a lot friends back then but now I don't you see at my friend 6th birthday party she had a pool party I couldn't swim so they push me in the pool without anything on me not even the safety jacket you see ever since that day they ditch me and I had no one to hang with since then and now so am the THE MOST UNWANTED FRIEND I hate my life.😣

The most untwanted friendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora