The Panic

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Julie:Hey Dan, r u up?

Dan:Yes Julie,I am up.

Julie: I was wondering u r awake or not in this afternoon.So, how u doing?

Dan: I am good.Btw I am just lying on my bed I don't usually sleep in the afternoon.Actually I never sleep in the afternoon but today is damn sunny...u see?...

Julie:Yeah today is really sunny... I am seeing it.

Dan:Btw what's up with you?

Julie: Nothing much.Getting nothing to do.I texted you to have a good time and a little fun😁

Dan: I see.So what u wanna talk about?

Julie:Um... How was your day?

Dan:My day was good almost like every day. I have given my name for the election of School President today.So that's a good news,and SO U MUST VOTE FOR ME!!!💗💗💗

Julie:Hey that's great!!!!!U didn't tell me u were going to do that....

Dan:Yeah I actually really wanted to take part in the election today at the school when the principal announced about it.Many people appreciated that I gave my name for the election. I think I may get a quite number of votes for me. I just HOPE FOR THE BEST!!!!!!

Julie:Omg I'm so happy for u..... I am obviously gonna vote for u and I will also make sure to to get as many people as possible to vote for u. It would be AMAZING if u become the President. I also hope the BEST for u.

Dan: Thanks very much Julie.Btw leaving all this matters aside,r u home alone?

Julie:Yeah I am home alone.My parents r at work.

Dan: I see.When r they going to come back?

Julie: Well they r going to come back either at late night or at the morning.It's not fixed

Dan:So what's ur plan for night?

Julie: Well I have not that decided yet...

Dan:Why don't u come to my house?We will have great fun🎇

Julie: Well it seems like a actual good idea😏😏😘

Dan: Well that's great.So may I take it as final?

Julie:Wait a second

Dan: What? What happened?

Julie:I heard a knock on the door

Dan:Why would someone knock on the door?U have door bell right?

Julie:Yeah there is door bell. I don't know why would someone knock on the door

Dan:Do u have eyehole on the door?

Julie:No there's no eyehole on the door

Dan:Ow that's bad luck.What u gonna do?

Julie: I think I should check it

Dan: Julie r u there?

Julie: I just checked the door.No one was there.

Dan: What? But u heard knock on the door right?

Julie:Yeah right. I HAD HEARD,but no one was there

Julie:Hey Dan!!!....

Dan: What happened?

Julie: I heard knocking on one of the glass windows of the house!!!

Julie:But I am seeing no one..

Dan: What the hell happening there Julie...??!!

Julie: I don't know Dan...

Julie:OMG!! Now THAT's scary

Dan: What's wrong? What happened Julie?

Julie: Someone broke one of the glass windows with a ball

Dan: With a ball?Is some kid playing a prank?

Julie: I don't know but I don't see anyone outside

Dan: What the hell's happening there??!

Julie: I don't know Dan...

Julie:My phone is buzzing

Dan:Is anyone calling?

Julie:NO!!!....NO ONE's CALLING Dan!!!...

Dan: What? What do you mean??!

Julie:No one is calling but then also my phone is buzzing!!!

Julie: And it's buzzing hard.An unbearable sound is there...!!

Julie: I can't take it more.....It's INTOLERABLE!!!!!

Dan: Julie r u ok? I am getting really worried about you....

Dan:Try to get away from the phone and then see if the sound get's lowered
. . . . .

Dan: Julie R U THERE??

Julie:Dan I tried to get away from the phone but I don't know how it's possible but the sound is remaining the SAME as it was. I have been to every room in the house but the sound is not getting lowered AT ALL!!!!!

Julie: I am getting out of the house. I can't tolerate any more. I just CAN'T take it!!!!!

Dan: Julie r u okay? Julie I am coming to ur house.Just be strong. It's ok.Nothing is going to happen.I am coming to ur house with my car.Everything is gonna be fine alright?

Dan: Please be careful.Highlighting all the things that were happening from the first,maybe all those happened for the purpose of getting u out of the house only...?

Dan: Julie I am on my way to ur house.I am going to be there within 5 mins.

Dan: Julie I am almost there.Just hold on...And relax.....

Dan: Julie I reached ur house.Where r u?

Dan:U r not outside.No one is outside. I am coming inside the house. Julie Where r u?

Dan: Julie u r not in the living room.U r not in any room downstairs. I have checked every room downstairs. I am coming upstairs now.

Dan: Julie u r not even in ur room upstairs!!!!! Julie WHERE R U??!!!!

Julie: I'm fine

Dan: WHAT??! Julie?!!

Julie: I'm fine Dan. Just don't know where am I.

Dan: What do you mean?!! Where are you?!!!

Julie: I found a door Dan. A door that I have never noticed before. I went inside it. It went all black. And I came back into my room.

Dan: What?!! What do you mean?!! I am in your room Julie. Where are you?!! U r nowhere to be seen!!

Julie: It cannot be explained Dan. I can see my dead body in my room. And there's police and there's you.
I am watching all these from the closet. I am hiding in the closet Dan.

Dan: WHAT??!!! What the hell are you talking about?!!! I am going mad!!!!!

Julie: I think it's an alternative universe Dan. It's showing what would have happened if I didn't enter into the door.

Dan: I can't believe it!!! I can't make any sense!!!!!

Julie: Neither can I Dan. But it is what it is. I am in an alternative universe.

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