Taming The Bad Boy

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All right my readers or people who are bored to death and have nothing better to do. But thanks for taking time out of your day to take a look at this. I’m not adding on to this, it’s just a one-shot short story. Well yeah! Have fun, hope you like it, and let me know what you think of it!

Lots of <3’s



Short Story

Ella was on the dance floor, grinding on some guy from her math class. It was fun. She wasn’t really looking for anything specific with guys tonight. She was just looking for something. Whatever she could get, really.

That’s why she was excited when Juliette, her best friend, announced one hour in heaven. She quickly took a seat in the circle next to her best guy friend, Jay. He smiled at Ella, and she returned his grin. “Someone’s excited to play,” Jay noted. “Yeah, I am,” Ella said. “Well, good then,” Juliette said. She’d been eavesdropping on your and Jay’s conversation, but it was okay since she was her best girlfriend. “Ella, you can go first,” she said, dropping the hat onto her lap.

“Alright,” She agreed. Ella dug her hand into the hat until she pulled out a switchblade razor. It was one of those older ones that were like a knife. The handle was black, and the blade was sharp. She looked up at Juliette, who had a wide confused expression in her eyes. “Who has the razor?” she called out. That’s when Match stood up.

His name wasn’t really Match. It was Mitchell, but at the beginning of freshman year, he tried to burn down the school. Everyone started calling him Matchstick which was eventually shortened to Match. He was dangerous and already had several stays in juvy on his record. As far as she had heard, he was a member of a gang right now. Everyone thought he was scary, but to be honest, she wasn’t that scared of him. Her dad was a therapist who worked with kids in juvy. There was always a reason behind why they acted. If she could find it, she could break them down and turn them around. At least, that’s what her dad told her.

“Hey, Juliette!” someone called. “Yeah?” Juliette responded. “Jack just threw up in your closet,” the random person said. “Damn it!” Juliette yelled. “That damn drunken bastard! Well, we just have to use the spare bedroom for now. Ella, you know where it is.” Ella nodded and walked down the hall. Match followed her as she entered the bedroom. He grabbed his razor from her hand and went right to the window, opening it. “Where are you going?” she asked out of curiosity. “Out,” he stated simply. “Where?” she tried again. “None of your business,” he said harshly.

He leaned over to exit through the window when she noticed something sticking out of the back of his pants. Ella trotted over and pulled it out. “Where are you going that requires you to use a gun?” she asked casually, tossing the weapon up and down in her hand a little. “Hey! Give that back!” he said, coming back in and lunging for his gun. “Tell me where you’re going and maybe I will,” she said with a grin. He growled at her, but she just smiled.

Ella wasn’t one to back down. She had a lot of brothers who liked to fight with her. She had learned self-defense a long time ago; she knew how to handle a gun; and she was very good at tricking people. Ella waited for Match to give in. “Fine, I’m going to a street fight,” he said. “So, you need a gun for a street fight?” she asked. “It’s a no rules one. Anything goes,” he explained. She nodded then decided something. “I want to come,” she said, handing him the gun back. He laughed humorlessly. “You can’t come,” he said. “Why not?” Ella asked huffing a little. “Like you could fight,” he laughed. “Want to see?” Ella said with a smirk. “Yeah,” he said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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