New Places

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As the bus flies over a bump, Nora is suddenly jerked awake from her nap. She stretches her arms and looks out the window, squinting at the bright sun. She sees a large sign that says " New Ebbot town next exit", She sighs and pulls a letter out of her bag and looks over it.

" I know you don't like going to new places, but this will be good for you. Plus you'll be living with your cousin, so it wont be too bad. Maybe you can begin to heal once you meet some new friends. In any case, I'll be checking up you guys within a couple of week to see how you're settling. I know you're going to do great. Chin up and have fun."

Love, Aunt Grace

" New Ebbot huh?" she muses to herself. Well it was definitely going to be different to say the least. She wasn't one for enjoying change, but her aunt was right. It was kind of nice to be in a new place for once, especially after what she had just been through. She shakes her head at the thought and moves on. Nora puts the letter back in her bag and sits up straight. Her stop was coming up.

As she looked out the window, Nora could see her cousin Marriott waving at her from the bus stop. She gives a small wave in return and starts to stand as the bus comes to a stop. When she steps out into the aisle, she's pushed past by a tall man without so much as an excuse me. Nora sighs and heads out of the bus. It was like this anywhere she went, people in too big a hurry to give crap about the people around them. Just outside the bus, Marriott stood, bouncing slightly, waiting for Nora to get off the bus. Once her cousin makes her way out, she pulls her into a big hug. " NORI!! Its been so long" Marriott exclaims. Nori was the nickname Marriott had given her when they were younger, on account of the seaweed snacks she always seemed to have. "Hey Marri! Ive missed you!" She tells her.

Marriott releases her and steps back to look at her. " Man you got tall, well taller. You've always been taller than me." She chuckles and walks around her to help her with her bags. Nora reaches the underneath storage on the side on bus and grabs her two suitcases and begins to drag them to her cousins car. Marriott pops open the trunk and the two load Nora's stuff into the car. It was a tight fit but they manage to arrange all the luggage in the trunk. Nora slams the trunk door down with a satisfied huff and walks around the car to hop in the front seat.

Marriott puts her key in the ignition and the car sputters to life. " I've really got to get this car serviced" she mumbles to herself. She looks behind her and starts to pull out when someone darts behind the car. Marriott slams on the brakes and honks her horn. "Gah stupid kid! Watch you are going!" Marriott shouts out the window. The yellow haired kid stops, turns to face the car, sticks his tongue out and keeps running. "Why you little-" Nora grabs Marriott's arm and she lets it go. " I swear kids these days have no respect. We would have had our butts whooped if we ever acted like that growing up" Marriott sighs and resumes driving. Nora adjusts herself in her seat and rolls her window down, staring out at the town and it whizzes by. The two sit in silence for awhile before Marriott turns the radio on.

She turns the dial til she finds a station she like and turns the volume up a bit. " So do you listen to music nowadays Nori?" She asks to break the tension. Nora thinks for a moment. "Yeah, I like some of the new stuff today, although i don't listen to the radio very much. I mostly use an app on my phone to listen." Nora tells her. This peaks Marriott's interest. " Oh? What app is it?" She asks. "I use Spoofy and Pangaea sometimes" She takes out her phone and scrolls through it and shows her cousin. " Sweet! I use Spoofy too. Add me and we can share our playlist with each other. My username is Marrionette651." Nora adds the name in her friends list and puts her phone away. The car pulls up to a stop light and a small group of people cross the street. Marriott looks over at Nora and smiles. " Ya know, its really good to see you Nori, it can get pretty monotonous around her. It'll be great to have a fresh face in town." Nora smiles in return. " Yeah, I think it will do me some good to be in a new place where no one knows me, and it seems pretty quiet around here so I can focus on my school work. I've really missed you Marri, its gonna be fun living together again. Now that we are older we don't have a bed time anymore. we can stay up as late as we want and watch anime." Nora laughs and sighs. She fondly remembers life before the accident, life before everything went wrong.

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