Chapter 1

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          "Jhene wake up, time to get ready for school." I rolled over to avoid the hallway light that was shining bright into my room. I didn't have to look at him to know he was in his work uniform. I knew he wasn't going to go away so I poked my feet from under the covers and flipped the covers back to reveal my messy bed head hair. 

          "Okay Papa, I'm up." He nodded and shut my door all the way. I slid out of bed a minute later after staring blankly at the wall. Thanks to Mila I developed some sort of style, shout out to my big sister. After she went crazy my parents let up some on my dress code. I was tired of dressing like a Japanese porcelain doll . It being my last year of highschool it really didn't matter, I was known as crazy Mila's (weird) little sister. I slid into a pair of bubble gum pink high waisted ripped jeans, I threw on a black long sleeve crop top, and my black converse. I went into the bathroom across the hallway from my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed out my long hair. My black hair reached my rib cage, and I would've cut it if my parents weren't so against it. I grabbed a small ziplock bag of cold green apple slices, a pop tart, and a family size bag of hot cheetohs from the kitchen. I stuffed everything in my bookbag except the apples and left out the front door, locking it behind myself. Our house was as run down as the others on the street. Most of the houses on our block were run down, boarded up, or a trap house. It took me almost ten minutes to walk to school so I always called Mila during my walk, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I automatically answered knowing it was Mila. 

         "Before you even say anything, I have a surprise to show you after school." I listened to her repeat herself for five minutes about this surprise, nothing she said gave me a clue to what it was. 

          "Mila! I'm half way at school and you been talking about nothing. I can care less about the surprise, I just wanna know if I'm seeing my big sister after school." I haven't seen Mila in a month, she's not only my big sister, but my best (and only) friend.

          "You right baby, I'm picking you up after school. I can't believe it's been a month since they kicked me out." I sighed and nodded, I begged for weeks for my parents to let her come back home. I cried almost every night, my sister was the only person that got me. I wasn't black enough to fit in with everybody around me, and not japanese enough to fit in with my parents. I was stuck in the middle of finding myself since this is the only time in my life my parents have let me make even the smallest decisions for myself. 

          "I hate this hell hole, I can't wait to graduate." I stuck my headphones in my Samsung On5 as I walked up the steps to Manchester High School. I munched on my bag of apples as I strolled through the hallways trying to make it to my first hour.

          "Better make sure you graduate, I'll bust yo ass myself. You aint even gotta worry about Papa. I hear them clowns in the background, text me okay? Don't forget I'm picking you up after school." We said our goodbye's and hung up. My first hour was government, which was also my second most hated fucking class. I sat in the back of the class in my regular seat. As the class started to fill I got a couple of Hey Jhene's. A couple hating tricks gave me the stank eye but they knew what it was. When Mila still went here she would kick anybody's ass that messed with me, or had some hating ass shit to say. Along with that she taught me how to fight and to always stand up for myself. Everyone always thought I couldn't fight, until senior year started. They quickly realized shy Jhene wasn't so different from her sister with the hands. After a few caught this fade I was rarely tested. 

          The day went by super slow until lunch, after that it went by quick. I was the first one out the room and sped walked towards the front entrance where I knew Mila and maybe Ty would be waiting in her red Malibu (JoJo). I could see Mila's jet black hair swaying as she entertained a group of people around her car. She sat on the trunk of her car, as I got closer I noticed Ty's tatted arm hanging out the window with a lit blunt hanging from his fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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