Dear mom

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So I won't waste too much time on this intro this story is about love❤, deception😱, heartbreak💔, and some freaky parts😏

Dear mom,
You weren't there when I really needed you, instead you left me to take care of your kids when I was a kid myself. bring all these random men to do what they wanted to you and me. I couldn't even go to school cause of all the scars on my body. I don't trust no body I use people for what I want and hurt them just like you hurt me and I never felt bad once, until now I caught feelings for this boy and I didnt realize how much I cared until I hurt him to the point of no return. why couldn't you just be a mother why couldn't you guide me, why was I even born if you didn't want me. I missed all of my childhood and most of my teenage years just to make sure my siblings and i could get by. you just sat there didn't help or nothing you wanted to be a free spirit, So FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU ROT IN JAIL. Stop writing me I just throw those letters and pictures away the only reason I'm even writing you is to let you know i want nothing to do with you. this is the only letter you'll get from me you were the worst mother ever so when you get out stay the hell out of my life. I don'want to see you, I don't want to live with you, and I don't want to be your daughter. matter a fact we're complete strangers as far as I'm concerned and I'll still do what you couldn't take care my siblings. ill graduate high school and make something of myself same goes for Ronnie, dejia, and yaz we'll be just fine with out you so stop calling us we don't need or want you in our lives.
The daughter you left behind

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