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Hello everyone! This is Nabieha Khusro and the piece you are reading is an introductory statement or you can say telling you about what you are getting yourself into ☺️ This is completely a work of my own thinking and people should feel free to share my ideas but there are some things to keep in mind😳
1) I do not allow this book to be published or posted on any other website without the personal consent from the author.
2) People are free to share the ideas as personal point of view but these articles need not to be considered professionally.
3) I do not allow the copying of any of the topics or the ideas in any other book or written piece without the consent of the author.
4) These ideas do not intend to offend or hurt any sentiment, religion, caste, sex and race. These are pure ideas of a young and curious mind and all the references used in the book are purely coincidental and do not have any relations to any person living or dead.
5) Last but not the least Enjoy, Comment, Like and Share the ideas.
Love you all
Warm Regards,

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