Chapter 1

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Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do. -David Wilkerson
Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. It makes life scary, dangerous, and generally heart-wrenching. If you are a normal kid, thinking this is just a fictional story, go on! Read, and marvel at how anyone could think up something like this. Live the most normal life you can in this day and age. But if you recognize yourself, or this story... stop reading right now. Live your life without having to worry. Please, take it from me.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I'm Piper McLean. You recognize my name? Well, I hope that's because my dad is Tristan McLean and not because you're like me.

If you're like me, then you probably know about the Second Great Prophecy, the one I was unfortunately a part of. My friends and I saved the world from... well, the world itself. Yes, the very earth you stand on is alive, and honestly? Not very nice. Being a child of a god is difficult. We're all lucky to even be alive right now. I thought it was all over. Save the world once, and then get to take a breather. Well, as Percy would say, "The Fates hate demigods, might as well accept it at this point." He would know better than most. So no, this isn't the story of me saving the world. This is worse. Never say that things couldn't be worse.

This is the story of how I couldn't seem to catch a break.
"Jason! Jason!" I squealed as he spun me around, making my head feel light not just because of the dizziness but the pure elation I felt, knowing that we were safe and together.

We are walking along the edge of the water, joking back and forth. He glanced around, and I thought I heard footsteps around us but it could honestly just be the wind. Smiling, I squeezed his hand, and with a grin, he squeezed mine back. We eventually reached the canoe docks (Jason's idea. It was kind of odd that he suggested it, since he's not the biggest fan of the water, but I am a daughter of Aphrodite. I still do like a romantic date every now and then.) and Jason climbed into one of the boats.

"Ready?" Jason asked, holding his hand out to help me in.

I nodded, taking his hand, my grin never wavering. I thought I heard another shift of someone stepping in after me, but it could've just been the boat evening out or something.

So we rowed in the boat, getting to around the middle. Water nymphs swam under the water, giggling and waving at us. I could see almost to the bottom of the lake. It makes sense that it's so clear, since the Naiads live here and Percy likes the lake too. They'd never let it get murky.

It was a beautiful day to be on the lake, which is why it was so odd no one else was there. The lake was usually full of people, swimming, boating, even just sitting and chatting. I shook the thought out of my mind. Maybe Jason had asked people to not be on the lake for a bit. He was sweet like that, and that was way more plausible than whatever I'd been thinking.

"Piper, I have something to tell you..." Jason said, causing me to look over at him. His face was downcast, and he looked more nervous than I'd ever seen him.

"You can tell me anything. What's wrong?" I reached out to grab his hand, in an attempt to comfort him, but he just gently placed refused it. Now I was even more confused.

"I-just... well-" before he could finish, I felt two hands grasp me. I was pushed off the boat in the blink of an eye, with Jason's shocked expression being the last thing I saw before landing in the water.

I screamed and tried to swim back up. It was suddenly dark and I couldn't see. The water had been crystal clear just a minute ago. The sun had been shining. I should've been able to get back up. But several questions kept repeating in my head: Why wasn't Jason helping? Who pushed me? I was slowly sinking farther down, running out of air. I couldn't fight anymore. The water became clearer, and I could see the surface of the lake again. Specifically, the boat I had just been in floating away from me. I tried to cry out, only to swallow more water. I was sure I was going to die. My eyes closed as the world blinked in and out.

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