Chapter 1

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   You ever wish you could just cancel your emotions? Just get rid of them or at least keep them under control. I keep hoping for someone to send me a manual or a book titled "Feelings for Dummies". Emotions are like drugs some effect different people in different ways some are addicted to them and some just want to het rid of them. Love is the most dangerous of the emotions and most addicting. I never really knew what love was until that day. It's like it's forever etched in my brain replaying over and over.

    It was my first day at a new school. I was already exhausted from helping my mom lift boxes and unpack all night. I was a nervous disheveled mess it as if I was being watched by everyone roaming through the halls trying to rush to their next classes while I slowly walked looking for my locker. I had finally found my the locker that had the same number as the paper written on my schedule I quickly took out my extra supplies so I could store them. I remember hearing the bell ring as I rushed to put the rest of my things away when my shoulder was bumped causing everything to fall from my book bag. I stood there staring at the pencils rolling across the cold floors feeling defeated. I almost cried , but as if right on que I felt a tall pressence behind me.

"You dropped something." He said with a goofy braces filled grin on his face.

"Th-thank you." I stuttered nervously while picking up the rest of my things.

"You new here?" He asked. I nodded my head in response.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked face full of curiosity.

"No not really." I said barely above a whisper.

"Hmm one of those silent mysterious types I like dat." He said. I blushed at his comment as a small smirk crept on my face.

"Ahh there we go for a minute there I thought you didn't have any teeth." I couldn't help but to chuckle at his little jokes.

"Can I see your schedule?" I gave him the piece of paper and watched how his eyes lit up up as he studied it.

"Well Mr. Jalique today is your lucky day we have all the same classes and I will be your tour guide." He stated. I realized he got my name from the schedule.

"Oh almost forgot I'm Rowland but most people call me Roe." He said throwing his arm over my shoulder. My body quckly tensed uo then seemed to relax on its own.

"To first period we go!" He exclaimed guiding me to our first period.

I still think about that day. Like what if he wouldn't have noticed me in the hall that day? Would I still be in the predicament I am? Would my head and heart be in this constant battle? I was so young and lonely back then. I had no friends he was the only person that ever showed me any attention or made me feel noticed. I never thought three years from then we'd still be friends. I was grateful for having him in my life but just not the way I wanted.

"Lique!"  I was taken from my thoughts by nudge on my shoulder. I looked up giving Row my full attention.

"Class was over a good ten minutes ago. You good?" He asked with concern on his face.

"Yes Rowland I am fine I was just daydreaming thats all." I said collecting my things avoiding his gaze. I just walked to the student parking lot. I could still feel his eyes glued to the back of my head. I stood at the passanger door of his car waiting for him to unlock it. We both got in the making our way to his which was basically right across from mine. Before I knew it we were sitting jn his driveway in silence.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Yes..". I answered hesitantly.

"Well then tell me wassup I've known you forever I can tell somethings off." He spoke.

"Look Roe just chill I'm perfectly fine and besides you got way more important things to be worried about." I reassured him.

"You're important to me so I'm always going to be worried." He stated looking into my eyes for a minute I almost lost myself in them.

"Well I appreciate that now c'mon I'm hungry." I said nudging his shoulder before getting out of the car. Sometimes I felt like I didn't deserve a friend like Rowland he never treated me different from any of his other friends he always seemed to make me feel included and safe. We walked in dropping our bookbags  and went straight to the kitchen. He ran up the stairs letting me know he'd be right back. I rummaged through the refrigerator my eyes landing on some fresh green grapes. I quickly rinsed them off before taking a seat on the counter enjoying the sour taste in my mouth. I heard his foot steps reach the floor as he walked in the kitchen with his book in hand.

He didn't share things with people a lot he's like one of those people that you think you know everything about but you only knew the surface. He had a journal basically a book he'd writeor paint in he rarely spoke about his poetry skills which were beyond detailed. He flipped to the page showing me a picture of a burning rose. I squinted tsking in every pen mark and scribble it was amazing vibrant yet so dark.

"It's beautiful. " I admited seeing as his face was full of anticipation.

"Are you sure or are you just saying that?"

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it silly." I said throwing a grape at his forehead.

"Do it again and see what happens." He threatened darting his eyes at me playfully. Me being the antagonist I am "did it again". Next thing I know we were having a full on grape war ducking and dodging behind the counters and tables. I was just about to launch one right at his eye when we were interrupted.

"The hell is this!?" His ma came in noticing her kitchen literred with grapes.

"Hey ma." We both said in unison knowing we were in for a rude awakening.

"Clean this up now." She demanded making me almost shudder in fear. We rushed to pick up the scattered grapes before looking at each other and laughing. I lived for moments like this. Just the two of us doing stupid stuff and just enjoying each others company. If only   moments like these lasted forever.
Please give feedbackon this chapter
If you're wondering yes I'm still working on my other bokk but it will be coming to a end soon
I have big plans for this story because it's kinda based on my life but not really in a way so i hope you guys enjoy!

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