The plague and death

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It all started with my father and the Hebrews, I was the one daughter who was wise enough to try to reason with my father; to try and free the slaves, for the sake of our people, their children and their families. I thought about my husband and my child. My father would not listen and because of his stubbornness, the plagues by one, each terrifying and horrific plague came to my people, my family; in all of Egypt, I was terrified. Moses warned my father many times...but my father never listened. Therefore the plagues continued. Moses came into the palace, to warn my father of the last plague. He said "Ramses think of your daughters child, your people's first born sons. This plague will bring pain to every mother and father in Egypt."  My father ignored him.
Finally, the last plague that can only bring such grief to a mother...the Hebrew's god sent an "angel" that would kill any Egyptian first born son. 
I lost my boy. Why? Why him? I still Remember the aching pain within my heart.
I couldn't do anything to save him.
He is gone.
Because of my father and his ignorance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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