chapter one

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chapter one


By;Mona Abdullahi

There is something in life

We feel it

It touches our heart

And melts it

It doesn't ask us our permission

It just comes to us

It just comes to us and never leaves

This disease has no treatment

Leaving us with a disability,

questioning our capabilities.

They keep on arising, should we be abiding.

The days feel like hours, hours feel like minutes,

and minutes feel like seconds.

Losing hope, the despair too much to bear.

O dear I ask is there any doctor who can save us?

O dear I ask again is there anyone who can save us.

Don't tell me later I didn't try, don't ask that I have lost hope, gave up.

With my bare bones, till my muscles ached, till the days become minutes, and my sleep turned away, with red eyes and no rest I ask have I not tried.

O dear don't tell me I haven't tried, I gave up, no, that is not true, tried till the agony of my soul was heard from so far, so don't tell me I haven't tried.

Don't look as if you understand.

This agony, this life it is beyond imagination.

The trouble I have received, the battering my soul has received.

Only I can understand.

Graduation poem

We all waited for this time to come

We still remember the time we were learning to tie our shoes, learning to walk

Learning to take the bus alone

We still remember teachers telling us to be in a single line

Tell us not run, not to talk in the hallway

Telling us to keep our voices down

Telling us to do our homework

Learning how to be responsible

Working hard to get an A in class

Staying up late to study for tests to score higher points

Staying away from trouble

We remember our friends reminding us not to fight with anyone

Reminding us to be brave

To stay on top of our work

Tell us never give

So we honor their inspiration

We honor their motivations

We honor their love and attention

So let's hold hands and be friends

Don't forget your friendship and your loved ones

Be there whoever been there for you

Wherever you are be there for each other as you were before

Honor their time and don't let their friendship go vein

We honor our teachers our parents

As we look back and see the time we walked through that door to this classroom and we start learn how to hold pen/pencil

Learning how to write our name

Learning 12345

Learning how say hi and hello

We learned throughout the years to say hi, hello and goodbye to our friends who earned it but today is the time you earned to be goodbye

It's the time to walk out that classroom door and say goodbye to your teachers who teach us throughout the years

Who Stay up late to grade your papers

Who stay up late to prepare your lesson for next class

And say goodbye to your friends who holder your hand throughout the years you spend together

Make your teachers proud don't let their hard work waste

Keep your promises and Hold your head high let everyone see how smart you are

Walkout and make your dreams come true

Look back and say goodbye to your friends and teachers

But remember don't forget them

Look back your past without regardless and look forward your future without fear

Let this time reminds us let this time be the time for celebration

Shear tears and smile

Let your teachers and parents be proud of you and let the world's knows how smart you are

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