Chapter 1 (exciting and awesome news)

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So here I am listening to Mr Gazey talk about atoms and molecules when suddenly there is a knock on the class room door, it was the school host with an envelope addressed to me so I grabbed it from Mr Gazey and went back to my work, I was so into my work that I didn't realise that class had finished, Mr Gazey comes up to me and says "i don't think you have detention" and I said "No I don't so I will just be leaving bye Mr Gazey." I got out of class and put all my books in my bag then I opened the envelope that I got in class and while I was reading it Louise called me and said "Where are you?"

"I'm just leaving science see you soon." I said then hung up and went to go meet Louise and to tell her about the letter, I went up to the place where we hang out for recess ad lunch and when I got there I went straight to Louise and showed her the letter and when she finished reading it

"Have you chosen anyone to come with you?" she asked me.

"Yes I have and its you Louise!" I exclaimed and she just screamed in my ear. "Uh... Louise i kind of need my ears thank you very much." I said.


When Jordan showed me the letter and said that she had chosen me I was so excited because I am going on tour with the one and only The Collective, so after Jordan told me about that we both sat down and talked about it and what we were going to wear and we decided to go shopping tomorrow considering that it was Friday so Jordan said that we would meet at 10am in the city on Saturday and I agreed. I left jordan and went to the music room while I was walking to the music room, I bumped into someone. "Oh my God, I am so sorry sir! I wasn't watching where I was going..." I said to a man who looked in his forties. He has a gray and almost bald hairstyle and pair of green eyes.

"Don't worry missy, no harm done." He said then his eyes studied every feature of mine until he pulled out some papers from his envelope and turned his gaze on it then back to me again. "Are you Louise?"

"Uh... Yeah?" I replied warily. Weird. How did he know my name?

"Louise!!!" My best friend, Jordan, called out while running up to me. She was wearing her usual snapback and sunnies. The man did the same to Jordan.

"Are you the girls that were asked to come on tour with The Collective?"

"Yes we are... why..", we said, "oh... sorry I didn't properly introduce myself, I am David Jenkins, The Collective's manager." he said.

"Omg really!!!, we didn't' realise, so why are you here?" I said.

"I am here to take you girls home, pack then come with me to the airport so we can go to New York, to see the collective".

So we got our stuff together then went home with David Jenkins to pack our clothes and essentials and tell our parents that we were going on tour with collective and we are starting off firstly in New York secondly in London then Philippines then England and last but not least Paris.

So we had finished packing and talking to our parents, then we got in the limo and off we went to Perth airport to board our plane to New York, we got to the airport at 11:30am and our plane was at 12:00pm so we got our tickets and put our luggage on the conveyor belts then we boarded our plane.

I slept most of the trip, my best friend Jordan was listening to The Collective's single Surrender and she was singing along to it which was a little annoying but I don't care, we were close to landing in New York, since Jordan was listening to her music I decided to tell her that we were landing soon and of course she didn't hear me because has her music up to high,

so I scream "Jordan we are landing soon"!!!!! she herd me and took her earphones out and

said "you didn't have to yell I did hear you the first time" and

I said "really because you didn't answer me"

she said "well I did, I just wanted to finish listening to the song then I was going to take my earphones out"

I said "oh sorry, I didn't know"

well we landed in New York, got our luggage and went to the front and got in David's limo to go see the boys.


We were in the limo on our way to see the boys, I was so excited to see Trent and Will because they are my favourite and I love them to pieces and I think I will learn something's from them like how did they feel when they came third when they should have won, how did they get through high school and loads more, I was so in my thinking mode that I didnt realise that we had stopped outside Brookly studio where the boys were outside having their break so I rushed out of the limo and went straight to Trent and hugged him, Trent looked at me weirdly but he hugged me back, we parted and went inside the studio while we were working to the room,

My friend louise asked "how was the hug?"

"the hug was just amazing and i didnt want to let go" i said

"WOW that good" she said

after Louise and I had our conversation, we went into the room andlistened to the boys rehearse, Louise and I loved listening to them on our phones but listening to them in person was so much better after they rehearsed louise and i talked to the boys and asked them lots of questions, then

Trent asked me "can I talked to you outside Jordan?"

"sure you can Trent" i said

so we went ouside and talked for what seemed hours then

Trent asked me "can I take you out on a date?"

"sure you can Trent"

and with that Trent gave me a peck on the cheek then we went back in the room, we listened to the boys rhearsed more then we got our things and got in the limo to go to the boys apartment, when we got there, Louise and I realised that there was only 4 rooms so we were wondering where we were going to sleep for the 2wks that we were staying in new york for, Trent said that i can sleep with him in his room in the car so I was sorted but Louise couldn't decide between Julian and Jayden, in the end she chose Julian and Jayden was alittle hurt by who Louise chose but Jayden got over it, so Louise and I followed Julian and Trent to their rooms and thankfully their rooms were next to each other so Louise and I can still talk and gossip, we put our bags in their rooms and got dressed into our PJ's because it was nearly 6:30pm,

So we asked "what's for dinner?"

The boys said "Will's girlfriend is cooking a Pork roast"

"Awesome" I said

After that I went to sit on the couch but then Trent grabbed me and tickled me, "TRENT STOP!!!" I said in between my laughs, he eventually stopped and let me sit on his lap while we watched Jayden and Julian play COD on PS3 which was cool but I was too busy staring into Trent's beautiful eyes and I got so lost in Trents eyes that I didn't realise Rose, Will's girlfriend was calling us for dinner, so we sat up to the table and ate dinner then Louise and I went to our rooms and got ready for bed because we were so tired, we had brushed our teeth and said goodnight to the boys, trent gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek and said "see you soon", so louise and I went back to our rooms and got under the covers and wemt to sleep, at 10:30pm I think trent came to bed and he pulled me closer and we cuddled the whole night and it was awesome.


I went to sleep straight away, I was so tired and Julian's bed was so warm and cosey so it was easy to fall asleep, at about 11:00pm and I heard someone come in the room, I looked up only to see Julian's wonderful blue eyes looking at me, he climbed into bed and cuddled next to me and we fell asleep cuddling and it was just wonderful and perfect.

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