IN HELL ( a very fucked up tale)

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*Thud* *Bang* *Clang*

My body is flug onto a metal table by one of the many men that escorted - more like forced me- in here. Three of the men hold me down onto the table while two strap me in and the last one gathers alot of bags from a cabinet.

I start to scream realising I cannot escape now that my hands and legs are bound to the table.

The five men who helped strap me into this table leave and I am left alone in this damp smelling foul looking room.

The man brings four bags and sets them beside the table I lie on.

One says : Silencing equipment

Another two say: Torture equipment

And the final bag has the name: Hell's first aid.

I decide none of the bags seem good and start to scream while crying.

'Shut UP YOU LITTLE BITCH!' The man shouts silencing me.

I watch hesitantly as he lowers his hand into the first bag: silencing equipment.

Steadily the man pulls out three things from the bag. A gag, Duct tape and ribbon.

The man lifts my head up and tells me to open my mouth I shake my head. No. 'OPEN!' He tells me. I refuse once again.


The mans fist meets my legs. I scream in pain. He takes this as an opportunity and forces the gag into my mouth and the elastic from it round my head. Next he lifts my head up and ties the ribbon to something behind me also stoping me from moving my head. Lastly he puts a thick layer of duct tape on the elastic of the gag.

The man laughs wickedly as he reaches into the secomd bag: torture equipment. I gulp as tears stream heavily down my face. Iclose my eyes not wanting to see what is comming.

I scream behind the gag in pure agony, my eyes have shot open and hesitantly i tilt my head as best i can toward the pain in my hand.

I scream and cry again at the sight, there are two things in my hand a kinfe and a needle with a green very disgusting looking liquid in it.

The mans smile if possible widens at me. I shriek behind my gag as he twist the knife. Automatically shattering my three fingers and dislocating my thumb and pinkie. My tears are uncontrollable as I see the man reach his hand out to the needle which is just reaching below my huge wound.

Just as the man pushes the top of the needle down, my hand goes numb. I can feel a mixture of a warm thick liquid and a freezing thin liquid running down my hand, and pooling on the table. My throat hurts already from my attempts at screaming. The man laughs at me seeing my pain. This is not a man. No. This is a FUCKING MONSTER! I cry.

Silently (considering I can no longer scream) I watch him pull out a hammer from the second bag of torture equipment.


I cry in pain behind my gag as the man swiftly hits my knee with the hammer. Clearly by the cracking sound and the fact I can one, not feel my leg ,two, tell its mis-shaped and three, the amount of pain I feel now, shooting through my leg.

The man laughs and in a quick hard swing the hammer hits my leg again. I yelp in pain. Definitely broken. I watch the man put the hammer on the table. It is covered in blood and small white things. Probably MY blood and MY bones. My eyes are blurry with my tears that are still falling.

'Last, but not least. My favourite! '

I hear the man call and I whimper as I see what he pulls out next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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