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She stood slowly, her legs trembling. She didn't have much weight on her, due to the fact she was never offered food. She took a step forward carefully, trying to keep her balance. She took a quick leap, but tripped over her own feet. Not so graceful. She landed with a small 'thud', letting out a groan. She sat up slowly, rubbing her head. "Goddamnit.."

She pressed her body up against the wooden door, looking through the small peephole she created. The hallway was dark, but she could see some source of light further down the way. Her eyes widened, as she caught sight of one of the doors next to her room creak open. She scrambled away from the door, stumbling back. She thankfully saved herself from falling, once again, and slid down the wall behind her. She bowed her head, not daring to look up as she heard the sound of footsteps walking towards her door. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying to every god that ever existed, that she wouldn't get knocked out today.

A small 'click' was heard as the door was pushed open, and she shrunk back up against the wall as much as she possibly could. Her body ached everywhere, and she definitely was not prepared for another 'daily surprise'. A pair of large hands wrapped themselves around her wrists firmly, pulling her up. She winced at the pain that coursed through her, as her body had grown fragile. A fist came in contact with her stomach, causing her to bite down on her tounge. She wasn't allowed to cry in front of any of them, or else the surprises would become worse. After a few more blows, her body was left aching, along with a bloody nose. She sniffled softly as he let her be, the only thing she could taste being that of blood. She let out a long sigh, before curling up. She had nothing to live for, and thought that sleeping was a better option than staying awake to stare at a dumb ceiling. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore her aching figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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