O Death

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The icy cold nipped at my body as I ran through the forest covered in nothing but white and dark colors. Thankfully, there was some sunlight shining through the tall, dead trees, however, it wasn't enough as I would sometimes trip over a root of a tree, protruding from the ground or slip on something that is covered in ice. If that does happen, I would quickly get back on my feet and continue to run. The sounds of multiple feet crunching against the snow could be heard behind me as fear and adrenaline kicked in. My heart thumped wildly in my chest like it could burst out any second. My lungs gasping for air and begging for me to stop, and just take a breather. But, I can't stop for if I do, I would truly die, and I really don't want to die.

O Death, O Death

How I got into this situation, I have no idea. I had just decided to take a walk through the snow-covered forest, near my village where I live with my father. I had wanted to get away from my boring life for a while since I do really nothing for a living, besides cooking for my father and me. According to my father, my mother died giving birth to me, so he had to raise me all by himself, but thankfully, he had some help from one of the women that lived in the village. But my father did most of the work. He taught me everything that I now know including fighting, hunting, and how to survive. He meant everything to me and I loved him so much. So naturally, when I had returned to my village from my walk, my heart literally stopped beating. My eyes brimmed with tears and my breath caught in my throat as my eyes lay witness to my whole village being slaughtered by White Walkers.

Won't you spare me over till another year?

I wanted to scream. I wanted to grab my sword and attack these foul beasts, but I just couldn't. I had been petrified to the spot. My eyes wide with terror, yet filled with unshed tears. I had watched as a nearby White Walker grab a young woman by her throat, and plunge his crystal-like sword into her stomach. The woman's high-piercing scream filled the air. I had to cover my ears due to how shrill sounding it was. The Walker then proceed to withdraw his sword from the woman and then decided to through her against a nearby tree. After seeing that, I felt my insides start to churn, and I had to lean over on a nearby tree to let whatever contents that were in my stomach come out. Once I was finished, I had wiped whatever trances there was on the back of my sleeve and turned to face the gruesome scene again, only this time, the White Walker had turned to face me. Instantly, my heartbeat had picked up as his icy, cold blue eyes seemed to stare right into my soul. Neither of us moved a muscle as we had this staring-like contest. It wasn't until I couldn't handle his cold, intense stare anymore that I had decided to flee.

Well what is this, that I can't see? With ice cold hands taking hold of me.

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold. Who'll have mercy on my soul?

Taking a quick glance behind me, I saw that the White Walkers were still in pursuit. They weren't that far behind, but they were quickly gaining on me. So, I pulled whatever strength I had left in me, and forced my legs to go faster. Sadly, it wasn't enough. I suddenly felt myself being tackled roughly from my side. My body landed roughly on the snowy, cold ground causing my vision to blur. However, before my eyesight could fully clear, I felt this excruciating pain coming from my side. A shrilling scream tore its way from my lungs and lept out into the chilly air. My eyes scrunched as the pain continued to course through my body. A small moan was elicited from my lips as I tried to move, but it only caused more unwanted pain from my side.

O Death, O Death, condsider my age.

Please don't take me at this stage.

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