Fall of Domino

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Daphne place the crying baby, Bloom, into the the portal. Both sisters were sad that they would not be with the other but it was so Domino would be restored again one day.

Before Bloom was sent off, Daphne said one last thing to her sister, "Be safe little sister, I'm sending you to a place with people will raise you has their own. And the promise we made when you were born will still be fulfilled. One day you shall save Domino and become queen of Eraklyon."

With those parting words Bloom was sent off through the portal to a planet not far away that was safe from Dominos destruction.

*On Eraklyon*

The princess arrived in the royal gardens of Eraklyon were a patrolling guard spotted her. When he picked her up he noticed the necklaces on the girl, on the royal emblem of Domino and the other the gift the king and queen gave to the princess to signify the promise made between the two planets. The Guard immediately to the sleeping princess to the king and queen.

"Your majesties I found a baby out in the gardens, it wears the two royal necklaces of Domino and Eraklyon" stated the guard in a formal manner.

"Bring her forward," said the queen in a soft voice.

The guard obeyed the queen and gave the baby to her. The queen studies the girl and saw the tufts of red hair on her head and the two necklaces on her neck. When Bloom was placed in the queens arms she opened her eyes and Marians cyan eyes showed. The king and queen knew exactly who the little girl was, Princess Bloom of Domino and their sons future wife.

"Did anyone come with the princess," asked the distraught king.

"No, your majesties. The princess just showed up in a portal," said the sudden guard.

"Round up a felt of guards and search Domino for survivors and send a messenger for the company of light at once," said the king once again in a more firm tone.

"Right away your majesty," said the guard before he bowed and left the room. King Erendor was looking out the window that would have shown a bright and lush planet of Domino that was home to his best friend and his wife, but now only showed a frozen wasteland with no survivors. He knew when they saw Bloom there were no survivors, but he just want to know if his friend was truly gone. Meanwhile Queen Shamara was quietly playing with Bloom, keeping the child quiet and calm. Shamara could see a similarity of the girl and the her best friend. The cyan eyes, the red hair and the cute button nose. The little princess was going to be beautiful when she was older and she was happy she was going to be her daughter in law one day. Soon the company of life came in wondering why the royal family of Eraklyon had called them.

"Why have you called your majesties," questioned Faragonda.

"We called you here because a guard found the last survivor of Domino in our gardens, Princess Bloom," Said the queen as she showed the company the baby girl. Faragonda being the girls fairy godmother was relieved she thought that not only did she lose her friends but their daughter as well.

"What should we do with the princess, not only is she the princess of domino and it's only survivor but she is also the keeper of the Dragon Flame. She will have a large target on her head to all dark beings especially at her young age," stated Hogan gruffly, concerned for the princess and her future.

"Daphne had sent her here for a reason, we will protect her," said Erendor not wanting to be separated from the only thing to remind him of his friend.

We know that old student but what will you do to contain her powers once she is old enough, she is only a mere infant and is already holding a powerful aura around her," said Saladin to the king hoping to let him see reason.

"Yes, I understand that, but we will handle that when the time comes," stated Erendor firmly not wanting to lose this fight.

"If I may pose a solution, Faragonda knows a lovely family on Earth that could take care of Bloom when she is older during the school year and during the breaks and summer comes to Eraklyon posing as Prince Sky's friend as not to cause any suspicions. During the summer months Bloom could also received her training in both magical abilities and her future royal tasks along side Prince Sky," said Griffin for the first time.

After thinking about the idea, both sides were pleased, the royal family would be able to raise Bloom and be her family, as well as prepare her for her future as Queen of Eraklyon. The company of light were pleased as well seeing Bloom's time on earth would help cover up her powers but they could train her with out interruptions in the summer so she would be ready to bring back Domino. Both sides agreed on the idea and decided to discuss it further at a later date. Right now it was time for Bloom to meet Sky again, hoping the two would get along for the rest of their lives, or their plan would be ruined.

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