Castaway Island

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                                                                    CASTAWAY ISLAND      

                                                                        Chapter 1

                       I am alone, lost and paranoid. I didn't plan the stupid trip that would plant me here. I was minding my own sticking bussiness, trying to convince my friend to ditch her, STUCK UP boyfriend and hang with me. "Please" I asked her over my cellphone "Come ice-skating with me." "You are NOT a baby, Cici. You're fifteen years old!" She had screamed. I groaned. Sure, I haven't been a baby for a long time but, friend still hung out with friends last time I heard. Or is that for babies also? I hung up and walked into the kitchen for an orange. Just as I had thrown the peels away and had started eating, my parents walked in. "Cici," my mom began "your father and I have decided to send you to a boat camp for a week or so." Then I ended up in a boat with the Captain and his granddaughter, Katie. Katie had a lot of anger issues and I experienced it first hand. When I actually saw the boat I almost fainted. It was as small as my cedar closet, back at home!! I went into the even more cramped, downstairs and started to unpack my stuff. A book, a lamp and my clothes. All that remained in my pack is nail polish, tweezers and a pocket knife. I had been holding onto them, when the main screw of the boat popped off and all hell broke loose. I managed to grab a hold of some wood. Next thing I know the Captain and Katie are dead and I am here on this island. I somehow managed to keep the tweezers, pocket knife and red hot nail polish onto the island with me. The air is filled by sounds of birds, the land with turtles and bugs. I drop my only things and run, run from the awful island. I run into the ocean, where the waves envelope me. Gasping and coughing, I realize I had just shown an act of insanity. I swim to shore. I will not go crazy, like that guy on the news whom they rescued. When they rescue me I will not be insane. I will be strong. "Cici, Cici, Cici what are you going to do?" I ask myself. I look for the pocket knife which, with the others, has been left on shore. But, the only thing that remains is nail polish. "My d*mn life!" I scream. But there is no use in crying over spoiled milk. So, I look down at myself. My brown hair, which reaches my shorts, is dripping wet all over me. My shirt says 'I'm with idiot here.' The shirt points to me. My friend gave it to me. Did she mean it? My shorts say 'CHOCOLATE LOVER!!!' Underneath my clothes is a two piece swimsuit. It is black and had gold trim. My friend also gave that to me. "You need to show off more skin." she had cried. That day she was wearing short shorts and a shirt made of beads that ended above her bellybutton. In kindergarden she said we would be best friends forever. But I have lost her to someone else. A boyfriend whom she likes better. He makes her, happier than I do. I look into the sun and realize how much I've missed her. Not generally from the whole 'castaway thing' but from our friendship that will never be the same. 


 Song of the week: I will wait for you by US! They're really good and kinda undiscovered so... 

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