Chapter 1

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Dream had been searching the multiverse for negative feeling when he came across a certain skeleton. And from the look of it he was upset. That wouldn't last though! It was Dream's job to make people feel better! Slowly dream approached the stranger trying not to startle him.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Dream asked the stranger making him jump. He turned to face Dream and he was able to get a better look at him. He was definitely a Sans. One of his eyes were white while the other red and there was little cross like mark below it. He wore a complicated black and white outfit.

"Why would you care?" He asked putting his head back in his knees. "No one ever cares."
"Aw come on!" Dream encouraged. "You can tell me what's wrong! Or at least let me know how a I can help!"
"I-it's just... a friend of mine...."
"Did you get in a fight?" Dream asked plopping down next to him.
"S-sort of..."
"Do you want to tell me what happened...?"
"Well... it's just sometimes he can make me feel like real garbage you know?" Dream nodded waiting for him to continue. "I don't have the choice to leave though.... not really.... I mean it's in my best interests to stay...."
"Do you need a hug?" Dream asked. The stranger looked at him doubtfully.
"Really?" He asked sounding surprised. Dream nodded enthusiastically. "Th-that would be nice...." he told Dream a small smile finding its way onto his skull. Dream opened his arms in an inviting embrace sharing a warm hug with the stranger. By the time they pulled apart the stranger was smiling wide. Yay! It worked! Dream mentally cheered.

"Feeling better?" He asked anyway.
"Yeah. Thanks. You didn't have to do that...."
"Of course I did! It is my job after all!"
"Your jobs to go around the multiverse and make sad people happy?"
"That's dumb."
"It works though, doesn't it?" The stranger chuckled a little.
"Yeah... it does..." the two stayed silent for a bit until Dream broke it.

"What's your name?" He asked happily.
"Oh err Cross. My names Cross." Dream was about introduce his name when he realised he had to go.
"Sorry! I have to now! See you around Cross!" Dream said getting up.
"O-oh y-yeah see you!" He watched as the other Sans teleported away. Cross was still smiling like an idiot. You okay there? Chara asked Cross.
"Oh What yeah I'm fine." He replied out loud. "Guess I should get back to Nightmare...."
You think? You're probably late! Nightmare'll probably kill you!
"Shoot your right!" Cross said quickly making a portal. Geez Cross I'd like you to try and survive without me.
"Shut up." Cross mumbled to Chara as he walked into Nightmare's castle, praying he wouldn't be seen. He had almost made it to the stairs when.

"Cross?" Cross slowly turned around.
"H-hey Nightmare..." he said meeting a very unpleased looking Nightmare arms folded.
"Cross where have you been?" Nightmare inquired.
"Err..." quick Cross think! Think! "Doing... evil stuff....?"
"Really?" Nightmare asked raising a non existence eyebrow.
"You seem oddly happy." Nightmare said not letting Cross by just yet.
"Oh well you know others suffering is fun right?" Now Nightmare mentioned it Cross did feel pretty happy. Huh odd. I guess that guy really is good at his job. He thought.
"Fair enough. I expect you downstairs at normal time alright?"
"Alright Nightmare." Cross replied thankfully he'd got away with his lie. Cross was about to go up that stairs when Nightmare stopped him.
"No dumb excuses your late next time alright?"
"Y-yes of course Nightmare." Cross waited wondering if he had anything else to say.
"You May leave." Relieved Cross made his way up the stairs. Yet despite Nightmare's warning which is what he really should be worrying about all he could think of was that Sans he met earlier. And no matter how much Cross thought about it he couldn't figure out why....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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