The Journal (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Hi Guys So This Is My 4th Book I am so happy I have over 30 Reads On My Other Three....
Remember that little brown book that Harry always carries around
This is what this story is about but it's going to be mostly Harry writing in his book so there's not going to really be POVs or - So hope you guys like it Also so glad you guys like my other books
Don't forget to keep voting and commenting you can also follow me on Twitter @MrsHarryStyles_ Thanks For reading my books enjoy - love Jesy


There's so many things you can write
Lots of people do I love writing songs
That people love to sing along to but sometimes I feel like I should be something more

I saw on the news today that I'm dating someone new I wish people wouldn't believe it cause it's never true
I do go out when I have time but that doesn't mean I'm dating I just like to hang with friends I don't get to see

Media calls me a womanizer but I would never do that I respect women
I would never hurt them

A paper today called me famous I don't like that word it just doesn't sound right I guess it's because people could use it by saying oh he was famous or he use to be famous
But not anymore and it just... doesn't sound right

We are writing a new album starting today I love writing songs but the ones I write don't get put into the album

The boys write about they're girlfriends I wish I had someone to write about but No girl loves me for me They love me cause I'm in one direction. I guess I just have to wait for the right girl to come

I wish I could just take like a whole day just to sit there in each city and take photos with fans without them having to pay
Maybe one day we can do that

The boys don't like my fandora hat
They make fun of it
I don't say anything about their stuff
I think they are mad cause I can have one and they can't they would look funny Well maybe not zayn cause he looks cool in anything but the others would

Sent a tweet today about a haircut people started guessing it was about Louis it was but I wasn't going to tell them that Right away they would spam me with Larry tweets if I did. Me and Louis are best friends but some people think we are dating We just like to act goofy like friends do I'm just waiting for the perfect girl to come along waiting for my princess

(Hello Guys how do you like my book so far ? Let me know .... And remember this is all Harry's POV It's what he may or may not write in that little brown book he has So um yeah Don't forget to vote comment Bye have a good day -Jesy )


Ahh more news I didn't even know I went out with all those girls I'll just go have a look on twitter Lets see my last tweet was three days ago what should I write today Think I'll talk about the tour ( @Harry_Styles It's starting really soon. ) And Tweet I like tweeting odd things keeps them guessing.

Two days until the tour I can't believe this is it Seems like yesterday we were on X Factor

First day of the tour excited
to be back with the lads
Sad to have to leave home again
I'm not going to tweet that tho cause then I'll get mean tweets like
Stay your a** home then don't be going to Cali Or you can't say nothing Harry you weren't even in London on your break
And some more but I don't want to write them I get picked on no matter what I tweet I am gonna miss home
But I can't tell anyone
No one really knows the real me

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