Good girl- Dark Harry Styles Fanfiction

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I'm a good girl. Always have been. 

I go to college, I get good grades, I'm in before dark and I do not do anything dangerous...ever! I guess it does get kind of boring sometimes...but my parents trust me to stay this way and I want everyone to be proud of me and where I get myself in life. See, I want to be a doctor, to heal people and make a difference to people's lives- to help! But to make my dream a reality, I have to work unblievable hard at college and my life has to consist of routine, plain and simple but for the moment it used to worked until I met him.

I loved going out for long walks with my best friend Clarissa and everyday after we finished college, I'd take the small winding path to her house and we'd set off on an adventure through the woods or the quarries; chatting and laughing as we gossiped about the latest TV soaps and people in our classes.

One particular day, the sun was shinning brightly through the trees as we strolled through, pushing dead and unwanted branches out of the way as we explored deeper into the woods less thaan a mile from Clarissa's house. Just as I began a conversation about the serious overuse of PDA in my english class today, her phone began to blurt Katy Perry from it's battered speakers. Her mum.

"Looks like that's our little exploration paused for today" she sighed, placing her hands onto her rounded hips "I've got to go look after my little brother." she rolled her eyes and began dancing her thumbs around the keyboard as she text her mum to say she was on her way. Clarissa and I were quite different in appearance and we contrasted each other massively when stood together against each others varied style and looks. Clarissa was the dictionary definition of curvy; she had an hourglass figure and hips to die for however she was no wherenear skinny, she was a "failed goth" as she put it- kitted out with skulled doc martens, black leather trousers and a tight fitting 'vampires suck' t-shirt, the black a stark contrast to her pixie cut blonde hair and cute rounded face. I on the otherhand was less interesting and looked almost plance against my vibrant and individual best friend. Yes, I was slim and had a nice figure but I didn't have the killer curves of Clarissa, my clothes were simple and pretty as I wore a floral white and pink sundress, my hair fell in kinked, dark brown waves toward my bottom and my blue eyes sparkled innocently against her mysterious brown ones.

I sighed and shook my head, "aw, and there was me truly enjoying my time with dora", Clarissa laughed and pulled her in to a hug before smiling "go on, you get back to little harry...I think I'm going to carry on through here and just see where it brings me out",

"I don't know, should you really be walking in the woods alone?" she asked concerned,

"Yeah I'll be fine! Besides, I have my I'll call you if I get attacked by a bear or someone tries to kidnap me" I winked, tapping her gently on the shoulder,

"Not that anyone would kidnap you anyway, they'd give you back after 5 mins because you'd managed to annoy them or gave out one too many sarcastic comments about irony." declared Clarissa laughingly, I punched her playfully chuckling and we said our goodbyes before she turned around and began to jog up the steep hill we had just decended from to reach the floor of the woods. I began to make my way through the trees, weaving rocks and ducking under low branches. My feet had not taken more than 20 steps on the crisp leaved floor before I heard a noise behind the trees off to my right. 

Instantly I froze. 

After a few seconds to compose and laugh at myself for being so paranoid, I began my journey again and shook my head in amusement as I decided it must have been a fox or a squirrel. 

As I made my way further I heard more noise, it was getting louder and louder as though it was coming toward me. I searched around in my sight and I could not see a single moving thing as I spun slowly...then he hit me. Full foce to my back, someone rammed in to me and sent me flying toward the cold, hard woodland. When I managed to blink myself back together and get to my feet, I noticed a boy running in the direction I had been pushed, his black hoodie flapping as he dogged in and out of the trees; his tall, lean body bending effortlessly as he panted- I could only see the back of him, but he looked athletic and very strong...which I could gater from the force I had been ushered to the floor with. My mind was a blur, but all of a sudden I heard more noises- running footsteps on the leaves. I did not fancy being knocked over by another mysterious stranger today and besides, if the stranger was running away...perhaps this is who he was running from. 

Quickly, I gathered my thoughts and stumbled backwards to crouch behind an thick arched branch, concealing myself from veiw. A few seconds later, 3 boys in their late teens and early 20s came sprinting past, their faces cruel and intent and one of the shouted angrily, "He went this way!" before pointing and proceeding to run in the direction my rude downknocker had taken. In a short amount of time, they were out of my direct sight and I was safe, but a manly thudding cry of pain led me to believe that the mysterious boy who ran past earlier was not.

My heart was pounding dangerously and I threw my hands up toward my forehead in panic, this is dangerous! you should go find don't do dangerous things! How can you help him anyway? My mind whirled nd my thoughts became a jumble but as the frequency of the grunts of pain increased I knew there was no time to get help, no one around to help!- I knew I had to do something...anything! I began to run towardwhere the sounds were coming from, running like my life or perhaps his, depended on it. Adrenaline was pumping insanely fast thrugh my veins as I came to a small clearing inbetween the trees, where I was confronted with three males (each towering over my 5'3" petite frame) and a bloody mess of brown curls held up by two of the males as the other one drew back for another punch to the abdomen. 

"Stop!" I yelled , instantly regretting my decision to speak as soon as the words tumbled out. My mouth dried and an uncomfortable lump formed in my throat as 3 sets of hard eyes glared at me. A twisted and cruel smie spread across the lips of the puncher as he drew back to a standing position and placed his hands in his tracksuit bottom pockets, "Well...looks like we have an audience boys"  noted the boy, his voice made me feel uneasy and almost oozed from his lips like poison from a snake, "A beautiful girl out here in the woods alone, no no.. we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you now would we?" 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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