Sick days

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It's cliche but I tried 🤷🏽‍♀️

It's also short but I hope you like it ^^

(Y/N)'s POV:

The past few days you haven't really been all that great. For one, the agency was once again attacked by the port mafia. You lost your wallet, and now you're sick. It's only a minor cold but it's enough to put you off work for a few days.

The one good thing is your boyfriend, Dazai. He's been taking care of you every morning before he heads off for work and every afternoon after he comes home from work.

He's been very attentive and loving towards you despite the possibility of catching a cold too. He's cooked dinner and cleaned up the place too.

"(Y/N)-chan!" Dazai pokes his head out of the kitchen. "It's time to eat, sweetheart." He comes out with a tray of your favorite food.

He places it on the coffee table in front of you and sits next to you. "Thank you, Dazai-kun." You smile happily and reach to get your spoon.

"I can feed you!" He declares and takes the spoon from you.

You sigh, but don't mind it all that much because he usually does these types of things every time you're sick.

Except this time, he doesn't spoon feed you right away. He hesitated and puts the spoon down before saying,

"Close your eyes, (Y/N)-chan."

"Okay..." You drawl out. You close your eyes and hear his movements. After a while, you hear him plop down next to you again.

"Open them."

You do as he says. He's sitting in front of your with a rose in his hand. The rose is tied to a small box of...


"I'm not proposing. Not yet at least." He laughs. He leans over and kisses my cheek. "I'll do that when the time is right." He whispers in my ear before leaning away. "Here you go, my sweet princess." He hands me the rose and medicine. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman and a box of medicine to help that beautiful woman feel better."

"You're so sweet, Dazai." You take the box from him. "Thank you."

He grins and picks up the spoon once more. "Now then, you need to eat before you can take that medicine." He takes a spoonful of your favorite food and feeds it to you.

At least one thing good happened this week.

And that was Dazai.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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