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Tagged by King_of_Heroes

Tagged by King_of_Heroes

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1. Nickname
Divya, Ivy, and my teachers call me Aini. Not to mention but, my juniors call me ching-chong and stuffs. Lmao

2. Age
15. Yay.

3. Birthday
10th of December

4. Zodiac sign

5. Favourite colour
Any shades of purple

6. Foreign languages that I speak
English, Japanese, Chinese

7. Hometown
Bali, Indonesia

8. Pets
Cats and Fishes

9. Last dream
About my sister being a party pooper just because she didn't get the balloon with her favourite colour. And she is 12.

10. Favourite Anime
There is tons but...
AOT, Hetalia, Free!, Black Butler are some of them

11. Favourite non-Kpop band
Just some visual Kei stuffs. Lmao

12. Ever been to hospital?

13. Ever got in trouble with law?
What? NOPE

14. Ever met any celebrity?
YES!!! Mexican singer and her band

15. Bath or shower
Bath are great. But I do prefer shower

16. Type of music I like
Classical instrumental music especially the chinese one. I don't know it's just great to hear. Lmao.

17. Most used word
'Lmao' lmao

18. Suck or Bite lollipops?
I suck. I cringed whenever someone bite their lollipops in front of me

19. Do you talk to yourself
A bit? I guess?

20. Do you sing to yourself
I don't know. Maybe? Lmao

21. Extrovert or introverts?
Outside world are cruel. Let's snuggle up inside our blanket and enjoy our cookie. Yes, I am an introvert.

22. Whats makes you nervous?
New people, trip to somewhere. I don't really like going outside.

23. Scared of dark.
Yes, I am. Thank you.

24. Ticklish
If you tickle me on some sort of places, I am.

25. Ice cream or candy?

26. Relationship status
Single. You too? Let's pair up! No? Okay.

27. Favourite holiday
New year.

28. Smoke or drink?
I don't do either one of them

29. Kids?
When I got married, I want 2 of them. Then I will teach them how to kick someone in the ass like how their mother did it.

30. Do you want tattoos/piercing?
I have piercing on both of my ear

31. Do I do sports?
I only cycle and swim

32. One wish
I hope life has it undo button. Like, I hope I wasn't born.

33. Do you like yourself?
I guess? Lmao

34. Short or long hair?
Long hair

35. Ever did self harm?

36. Dogs or cats?

37. Sexual orientation
Feminine Bisexual

38. Water or soft drinks?
Water. It is healthier

39. Last person you texted?
King_of_Heroes !!!

40. Tag 5 people


Just tagging random people I am following

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