Quantum Mirror Series 10 2

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"What's the problem?" Natock asked.

"Control crystal's gone," Ford snapped.

"How did you know?"

"When it was dialing the gate," Ford said, pointing at the dead creature. "It knew how to use the gate, but it couldn't get a lock."

"We're stuck here," Washington groaned.

"Thank you Lance Corporal Obvious," Ford growled. "We need that crystal, and I'm guessing that whatever was hunting that thing has it."

"Makes sense," Colt said, stretching his neck sideways. "Don't want your game running off or getting help."

"Can Alpha dial in if there's no crystal in our DHD?" Ford asked Colt.

"Probably, I'm not sure."

"We'll be overdue for our check in an hour from now," Ford said, looking at his watch. "We'll know then if they can dial in. Between now and then we cache Madison's body by the gate, and we keep watch for whatever was chasing that bastard," Ford said, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb at the dead alien on the ground.

Three and half hours later the gate activated.

"Sergeant Ford this is Alpha Base, you are overdue for your check in," A male voice said over the radio.

"Alpha Base, I have one confirmed team member dead. We found Madison's body," Ford responded.

"I'm sorry to hear that Sergeant," General Willis interjected.

"Sir, I have another problem. We engaged, and killed an unidentified hostile alien life form, but we have reason to suspect it was just prey for another life form that we haven't encountered yet."

"Abort the mission and return Alpha."

"I'd love to sir, but we can't dial out because the control crystal is missing from this DHD."

"I see," Willis replied. "I'll send a team out in a ship to secure another crystal from the nearest planet, but it's going to take some time."

"Understood sir."

"In the mean time we'll send a shipment of supplies through for you and your team."

"Thank you, sir."

Ford tapped his earpiece and turned to the team. "They're going to secure another crystal, but until then they're sending us supplies."

A few moments latter a flat bed MALP rolled through the open gate with four large plastic boxes strapped on it.

The Hunter watched from his perch as the six wheeled machine rolled through slowly with the containers on it. The Hunter took detailed scans of the machine and added them to the entry on their species.

"Alpha, the MALP has arrived," Ford said, touching his earpiece.

"That's two week's worth Sergeant."

"Thank you, sir."

"We'll check back in six hours."

"Yes sir."

The gate closed, and the sounds of the jungle returned to normal.

Ford ordered them to unload the crates and move the MALP away from the gate. Half an hour later they had three tents up a short distance from the gate, but still within visual range. Ford looked through his scope at the DHD, and then to the MALP they hid several meters away. He started to drop his rifle when he thought he saw movement by the MALP. He looked again, but there was nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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