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"Ahh I can't take it anymore!" I say standing up. I grab hold of the edge of the table and flip it forward. The table lands on its side with a loud thud. The high stack of papers quickly comes to life flying in all directions scattering all over the floor. The multiple cans of energy drinks clang to the floor, some getting crushed by the table and other get knocked over spilling what little fluid they had left in them. I sit back down in the wooden chair my butt has gotten to know real well and put my face in my hands.

"Feel better?"

"Go away. I'm not in the mood for you or the others." I say looking up at another me except this one is more confident. He has freshly washed hair, no bluish-purple bags under his eye, and whitened teeth. He is wearing a brown T-shirt that says, "I'm a FUN GUY" on it as if mocking the way I have been staying in these passed couple of days and not hanging with my friends. He is standing up with good posture as if mocking the way I was slouched over the table working a few minutes ago.

"Ah, but see that is why I am here. I want to help-"

"What help could you possibly give me huh," I say cutting him off looking at him irritated, "I am swamped as it is and one of you gave me the same option and he just got in the way. If you are anything like him, you might as well leave." I finish putting my head back in my hands.

"Hey, come on now, that is no way to talk." He says pulling a chair up next to me. "At least, let me help you clean up."

Before I can respond, he put his hand under my armpit and hoists me upward into a standing position. Then, we proceed to clean-up the room. We put the table in an upright position, gather up all the papers back into a nice neat stack, and clean up the energy drink cans and any spillage.

"Now what seems to be the problem?" He asks me sitting opposite from me at the table.

"Do you see this?" I say pointing to the stack of papers between us on the table. "This is all the work I have to get done within the next two weeks and I haven't even made a dent yet. Oh, and now I have to go through it and figure out what I have done and what I haven't done which will take up more time" I finish slouching back in the chair. "I really hate Square 1." I say bluntly.

"I am going to ask you again: What if I helped you? We could divide the work load and get it done faster." He says starting to take the stack and dividing it. "Plus, that way we could find out what you have and haven't done a lot quicker so technically it is not Square 1." I feel my eye lids dropping as he talks so I give a quick shake and straighten up in my chair waiting for my half. "You know what Greg, you look like hell." He tells me taking the papers back, "Why don't you just go home and sleep?"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, it is way past you bed time." He says with a chuckle. "Plus, you can come back tomorrow and we can finish this together."

"Ok, whatever" I say with a slight chuckle scooting away from the table.

 "Oh and while you are there, you might want to shower because, dude, you stink." He says with smile on his face. He grabs a piece of paper from the stack and starting reading and marking it up.

I lift my arm up and I do not even have to flex my neck for the smell to hit my nostrils. My eyes grow wide and I let out a cough while putting my arm back down. "Holy hell... yeah I will definitely be showering when I get there."

We both laugh.

I start to walk away when I turn back to him. "Hey Greg?"

"Hmm?" The me says without looking up from the assignment still sorting and marking papers.

"Thank you for this."

"Anytime. Good night, Greg." He says putting the assignment on the side of the table and grabbing another one.

"Yeah, night Greg."

My Note:

Hey guys. So I think it is official, Wattpad for me is going to be just an inspirational writing blog/ site type of thing. I do not plan on writing any stories like "Luke and the Man of Darkness" anytime soon. I also do not plan on writing weekly or monthly content; I am just too busy with college, my major, jobs, etc. personal stuff. I know there are some people on here who have the same problems and they still manage to do the weekly content update. To those people, bravo! As for me, if you guys are willing to stick around for my random updates, great! If not, I completely understand. If you are leaving, I still want to thank you for reading some of my other stories.

As always, let me know what you thought of "Help" both positive and negative criticism is welcome. And uh... yeah see you guys next time!

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