Chapter 1

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"You're awfully cold today! So pale, have you ever considered tanning?" a cocky smirk forming on the hero's lips, Night Raider, crooned as he barely dodged an ice spike going straight into his head. "Jeez, why so cold?" He teased, mentally congratulating himself for the pun "Tell me, what shouldvu I call you? You have cryokinetic powers so I was thinking something like-"y

"SHUT UP!" The man shooting the ice spikes shouted, his fingertips blue and surrounded by white mist, all degrading into his hand to show his frost skin. His blue eyes sparked with anger as he stared at the hero, he groaned from beneath his black gas mask and took a deep breath "I see what you're trying to do-" he boasted as he ran a cold hand through his blonde, brushed back hair.

Night Raider stopped his running and dodging and stood in place, he chuckled under his breath and smiled his signature cocky smile, "Really? Enlighten me- Mister- no, Celsius. Get it? Because you're- I'll just let you figure it out on your own." he said with his airy voice while gripping onto his two daggers, each with a foot long blade.

"You're trying to distract me with your teasing so I lose focus and once I'm open you'll strike! But that won't work on me, Night Raider." The man who will go by the name Celsius said as he extended his hand, each of his fingers began accumulating ice until he had three-inch long ice claws on each finger then lunged towards the hero, claws ready to rip into his skin.

Night Raider stumbled back slightly before quickly saying a command "Mia set the dagger heat controls to eleven hundred Fahrenheit.". The two daggers began glowing red, heat emitting from them and melting some of the nearby ice. He quickly stepped to the side, dodging the first swipe of a barrage of attacks Celsius attempted, once the hero saw an opening he took the chanthce to kneel him in the gut then step back, getting ready he for round two "Is that all you've got?".

Celsius growled and swung his arm in the air, ice began to materialize from the once empty, cold concrete, bit by bit the air crystallized into a thick block of ice, and with another movement of his arm it was propelled into the air like a strong wind against a leaf, the slab of ice catapulted towards the hero.

Night Raider lunged forward into the frozen cube, his daggers, glowing a bright scarlet melted through the ice and sliced it like butter. There was a light sizzle from the impact, the glowing blades soon being the only thing left of the encounter between the objects. The hero's eyes darted towards Celsius, and in the blink of an eye, his azure scarf became merely a blue blur that followed him around up until he was at attacking distance from his enemy. Sizzle. Next thing they knew the edge of one of the daggers slit through the villain's cheekbone, the heat from the weapon making the cut all the more agonizing.

Celsius jeered, his brows formed alike between them, a bilious look on the mans face as the claws on his fingertips fractured into snowflakes falling down so calmly, so innocently. Complete opposites of what was going to happen. His pale hand slowly raised up to his cheek, in the area of the zygomatic bone, a cobalt liquid slowly dripping down into his black gas mask, in one swift move he ripped off the mask, showing his cerulean colored lips which shook with anger as he let out low growls. Pain. It was humiliating, the untouchable man of ice being hurt by some guy with an eye mask playing superhero. Pain. The word rang and yygggggechoed through the halls of his mind. Pain. hgy
     Night Raider took a few steps back, his sight focused on the blood he'd recently cleaned off himself, it was definitely something out of this world, a human with purple blood, this had to be the reason why the cold didn't affect him and the source of his powers. His gloved hand tapped on the side of his mask, the lenses on it glowing up and scanning the cobalt liquid "Mia do you have any idea what it contains?" he asked as a list of its component appeared at the side of his lens.

     "According to my analysis, it seems Celsius has liquid hydrogen in his blood unlike any other human being or life form." A robotic female voice explained, talking through an earbud in Night Raider's ear.

     "How is that possible? Wouldn't his blood freeze?" He whispered, his eyes steady on the villain, seeing how he moved his hand and pointed towards him, his eyes filled with rage and the temperature in the abandoned warehouse they were in began to lower, the moldy smell of the rusty metal around them slowly being covered by the ice that spread around like a plague, the warehouse slowly becoming a giant refrigerator.

     "You're right Mr. Harris, but you see, there's also dimensional residue inside him, just like with you. According to my database, I deduct that the dimensional residue infused with the liquid hydrogen in his body making it-".

     "Cold. That's it-" Night Raider quickly tapped his mask and began running away from Celsius, muttering to himself "I see how it is he works, by lowering the kinetic energy in each atom of whatever he's in contact with he can create ice and manipulate it to his will-" his thoughts were cut off as a giant spike erected from the concrete floor just a foot away from him, his heart skipped a beat as he saw the solid tip of what could've been the weapon used to murder him, he turned around, his eyes widening as he saw the villain working his way towards him.

Celsius inched closer and closer, his cold, pale hand lifting into the air, blue mist surrounding his fingers. Tap, tap, tap. His shoes clicked against the floor as he walked, his fierce lazuli eyes glaring at the hero.

Night Raider's eyes darted everywhere, he ran to the right just to be met by another giant spike of ice, he quickly went the opposite direction just for the same result. He was trapped, all he could really do to get out of this situation is to use his daggers on the man- too risky though, Celsius had pretty much taken control of the entire situation by lowering the temperature and spreading his powers everywhere. There was no way of knowing for certain what would happen... unless.

The hero put his daggers away on the holsters attached to his thighs, the heat quickly going away and the once crimson blades going back to their original silver color. He then took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he analyzed the situation he was in, and what he had to do. He had to see the future for guidance. His eyes suddenly opened wide, his pupils glowing a bright cobalt, visions passing through his eyes. He saw himself running at Celsius, daggers in hand and ready to attack, but as he lunged to strike the man, a spike bursted from the floor and impaled him, blood dripping down the cold ice and staining its pure, clear beauty with the symbol of his defeat.

Night Raider regained his consciousness, hyperventilating as he struggled to stand still, stumbling a bit. He then looked in front of him for his gaze to meet Celsius who was just a few feet away, in a quick and desperate move he whispered "Mia, set electro shock gloves to 7.5 million volts.".

    Celsius finally reached the hero, his big, freezing hands grabbing him by the collar and raising him up into the air, his suit slowly freezing "Any last words Night Raider?" he said belligerent, glowering at his enemy who now was just seconds away from being a statue of ice.

     Night Raider gulped, looking down and wiggling his feet as he searched for ground "Well- this might- come as a shock to you-" He announced before raising his hands into the air, his white gloves beginning to crackle with electricity, a second later and he swung his hands downward, slamming them against the mans temples and sending the 7.5 million volts he'd ordered Mia to set on his gloves right into his head.

     "AHHHHH!!!!" Celsius screamed in pain, letting go of the hero and stepping back, trying to get his body to stay up long enough for him to pull out the rest of his strength and kill him, but as his head tingled from the electricity he began losing his consciousness and falling into the ground with a loud thump as the six foot something man hit the concrete. His body twitching from the aftermath.

     "Dammit. That was harder than I thought it'd be..." Night Raider said to himself  before taking off his mask, his whole suit deforming particle by particle into the mask. His once blue hair losing the dye and turning jet black. He stood up and adjust the black tux that replaced the hero suit, then he tapped an earpiece he was wearing "Mia send in Benjamin, I need someone to help me bring this guy into the special cell we made for him.".

     "Affirmative Mr. Harris."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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Court of Six //Book no. 1 of the Night Raider series\\Where stories live. Discover now