Pillow Talk

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It was when Phana and Wayo were lying in bed together, whilst they were talking arguing about something stupid and Yo was smiling up at him with his stupidly adorable face that Pha decided to put an arm around Yo's back and pull him closer, so their chests were pressed against each other. As he did this, the smile fell from Yo's face and he began to squirm in Pha's grip. Yo felt his face flush and struggled against Pha to hide his face.

"Let go of me! I'm too warm," Yo said, hitting Pha lightly on the arms.

"But I like being close to you," Pha pouted cutely to Yo, hoping that he would give in to him. Yo just kept struggling and didn't respond, before Pha finally relented and let him turn to face away from him, hiding his embarrassment.

Pha sighed and sat up on the bed.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Yo asked, concerned about the change in Pha's mood.

"It's just... I know that you hate it when I touch you. I don't know why but you always get so uncomfortable why I try to hug you, or kiss you," Pha explained. Yo could only awkwardly look down, feeling guilty. He didn't mean to reject physical contact from Pha, it's just that he always felt so happy when P'Pha hugged him, or kissed him that his reaction was embarrassing.

"I don't hate it, P'Pha..." Yo responded, still not making eye contact.

"But you always flinch away or start hitting me," Pha continued, "And maybe it's because my feelings are stronger than yours but..."

At that moment, Pha was hit squarely in the face with a pillow.


"You asshole!" Yo said hitting Pha with the pillow. "You really think your feelings are stronger than mine? I have pictures of you in my room! I definitely like you more than you like me."

"Well, I bought you food and pink milk for almost a month!" Pha argued back.

"That's stupid. I bought you a bracelet and was going to confess to you in high school! I wrote you a love note and everything. You think that buying me food is more romantic than that?" Yo said, adamant that he loved P'Pha way more than he loved him. P'Pha was gorgeous and popular. Every person in the school tried to chase P'Pha. But Yo was just... a normal person.

"I also bought you a bouquet for 2000 Baht, and then I bought you this matching bracelet..." he took Yo's wrist in his hand, gesturing to the white bracelet. "Yo... It's fine if you..."

"Up until a month ago, I used to literally run away from you because I liked you so much!" Yo said, not dropping the subject until P'Pha stopped treating him like Yo's feelings were not as strong as his, that he didn't love him with all of his heart.

"Yo... it's okay if you're uncomfortable with me because our relationship is new. I don't expect you to be okay with everything right away..."

"Don't talk to me like you forced me into this relationship. I've liked you for longer! I liked you since high school!" Yo argued, once again hitting Pha with the pillow.

"I've liked you since high school too," Pha said smiling at Yo.

"Huh? Since when?"

"I saw you once. You found a kitten that was lost, and you took it home. I was so taken with you even at that moment that I watched you around school, wondering what your name was. I was going to talk to you once but you ran away from me, but I guess understand now why you did that." Pha said, ruffling Yo's hair affectionately whilst Yo looked shocked and embarassed and tried to hide his face in a pillow.

"We haven't talked about high school much have we?" Pha said, looking at Yo with so much love that Yo had to look away feeling overwhelmed. Why couldn't he just get a grip on his emotions so P'Pha didn't have to feel guilty about making him uncomfortable?

Yo shifted a little closer to Pha, just so that they were lying facing each other. It was a small gesture to get close to Pha, only giving him some of the closeness that he wanted, but it was appreciated but Pha who smiled and gently took Yo's hand in his.

"You really didn't recognise me when I got first got here?" Yo asked, curious about how Pha couldn't tell who he was if had alledgedly liked him since high school.

"It's not my fault! You got really handsome after high school... and you're not wearing glasses anymore. You look completely different!" Pha said defensively and Yo laughed at Pha's embarrassment, a rare side of him showing. Yo enjoyed that he could be the one to tease Pha and make him blush, just like Pha did to him.

Yo giggled and shuffled closer to Pha, resting his head on his chest and closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth of being close to P'Pha before he got embarassed again.


Yo opened his eyes and looked up at Pha. He looked sad again.

"Then, why are you always so uncomfortable when I hug you?" Pha said softly, still confused about this after their confessions. Yo sighed. He knew he couldn't avoid talking about this.

Yo shifted nervously, wondering how to explain his feelings to P'Pha. "It's... I just got used to having my feelings unrequited for so long, used to having you in my life but always out of reach, that when you actually started talking to me I had no idea how to act around you... And when you starting showing that you liked me, it's like everything I've always wanted and my brain stops working and then I do stupid things and get more embarassed," Yo explained, shyly looking towards Pha to see his reaction. He looked shocked at Yo's confession and Yo squeezed Pha's hand in his.

"That's... so cute," Pha says, giving him the biggest smile and resisting every urge to just completely envelope the boy in a hug and never let him leave.

"P'Pha! Don't make fun of me," Yo said pouting, threatening to hit him again.

"You're so cute," Pha said taking Yo's face in his hands and squishing his cheeks.

"I'm not a little kid," Yo said and started to turn away from Pha before Pha grabbed his shoulder and pulling him back and trailing his hand down his arm to hold his hand again.

"I'm sorry, you're just too cute," Pha says. Yo's still pouting, angrily. "But Yo, I don't want you to be uncomfortable when I'm hugging you or kissing you."

"Then you'll just have to keep doing it until I get used to it," Yo said cheekily, smiling up at Pha before hugging him closely to his chest, the awkardness and embarassment of the past physical touches seeming to have gone.

Pha pulled Yo even closer, tightening his grip before kissing Yo on the cheek, "Ew, P'Pha, that's gross."

"But Yo, I thought you said you were okay with my kisses now," Pha said, pouting.

"Well, yeah, but kisses on the cheek are just gross," Yo said wiping his cheek.

Pha then took Yo's face into his hand and kissed him lightly on the mouth, pulling Yo deeper into the kiss before they both broke away.

"Was that gross?" Pha said, smirking.

Yo didn't reply, he only pulled P'Pha forward to kiss him again.

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