Avi Studlath

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Name - Avi studalth

Gender: Female (presents as masculine)

Species: werewolf

Personality (human): avi is kind hearted to a point and gets frustrated very easily. Her morals are shakey and she isn't the easiest person to be around as she if very stubborn and emotional. The best way to describe her is a cluster fuck of still maturing hormones and an uneasy edgyness she still hasn't grown out of.
(Wolf): as a beta and a young wolf she is often very playful at times. She likes to explore and hunt, she lives for the thrill of a kill and yearns for affection in both her human and wolf form.

Age: 17 (both human and wolf)

Background: born of an alpha and a beta from a twisted and desperate pack that has long since been hunted and slayed avi was placed with a coven of witches who taught her how to be one with the snarling beast inside her, she couldn't shift until she turned 16, that was when her aunt Gloria took her into the woods and forced her wolf form to take over out of fear the young girl would never find herself. her wolf was very attuned with avi at this point and Gloria helped coax the pup out of its aggressive front. Deep down the wolf, who was soon named Ava by the coven, just wished to be a pup and so she has been. The small peaceful coven taught avi small spells and Ava hunting and tracking so the wolf could make it on her own. On the day of avi's 17th birthday she was gifted a spell book and a casting ring that would lend her Gloria's magic and spirit after she passed. And soon Gloria did, being the oldest of the coven, she sacrificed her human body as an offering to the nature that protects the coven's stronghold and came back to avi in the form of a small crow. soon avi learnt all she could from her sisters and left to live amongst the cities disgused by the many charms and trinkets the witches gave her to hide her in plain sight, humans could not sense her beast and avi learned to live with humans where she now resides with Gloria's spirit crow in a small home on the outskirts of an old town.

Ability: avi's ability is spell casting, she knows the old arts and can cast a multitude of spells to harm, help, or create, her knowlage is wide even without her book and because of the ring Gloria gave her she is often mistaken for a witch instead of a wolf.

Skills: avi is very good with hunting and tracking, she loves to run and is very muscular from years of lifting heavy tomes and large alters for the witches. She has a knack for transfiguring things with spells and her right hook is very painful because of the rings on her well manicured hands.

Rp example:
"chook why are you always so nibbly?!" Avi muttered a few old words at the bothersome crow and sighed grabbing a few bits of raw meat and birdsead setting them on the counter. The crow began pecking at its food happily before cawing at the young wolf. "Yes I'm sorry I fed you late, but I was trying to transfigured you a damn birdhouse so be grateful." The crow hopped over to her nuzzling her hand with a chirp. "I love you too chook." She said as Gloria's old golden ring lit up, the purple gemstone glowing red with love and adoration.

Avi is an rp-able character!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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