I Love You More Than I Hate Myself

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The demon's eyes flashed black as it ran towards Sam. Sam delivered a swift kick, pushing the demon back into the wall and swung around to stab the second demon with his knife, the blow killing the demon instantly but the body stealing the knife as it fell toward the floor. From behind, Sam heard a hiss, then a stab right into his ribs and then felt strong hands clasp around his neck crushing his windpipe. The room started to spin and Sam could feel unconsciousness creep up on him. The smell of sulphur hung in the air and the body of the other demon lay crumpled on the ground bleeding and staining the floor red with blood.

"Sam, Sammy!" Dean crackled over the phone from where it lay in the dirt, "Sam, I'm coming don't worry."

"Dean," Sam was gasping for air, the demon's hands were clenched around his throat and he was bleeding heavily from the knife that was lodged in between his ribs. "Help," He called out to his brother.

Suddenly the demon's grip lessened and then its hand fell away altogether. Sam's head was swimming and his vision was blackened.

"You know Samshine, when I sacrificed myself for you and your chucklehead of a brother, I did think you might actually try to stay alive for once and not go out in typical Winchester fashion,"

The voice came from behind him and was accompanied by a cool touch and suddenly Sam didn't feel like he was going to die again and the blackness left his vision.


"Do you know any other angel this handsome and this amazing?"

"Cas," Sam deadpanned, his head was trying to wrap around the whole, Gabriel is alive and he just saved you thing.

"Awwww, you wound me Samsquatch, am I really nothing to you?"

"I think I found Balthazar more attractive than you." Sam quipped, regaining his wits, "Sorry, how are you alive again?"

"Well if you don't count the sexy, amazing powers or the fact that Lucy couldn't figure out a simple trick if his life depended on it, I didn't really stay and fight him, no. I left my vessel with enough grace and enough brain activity to fight Lucy and stuffed the rest of myself into that DVD I gave you. When you played it, I was let out and free to do as I wished. The perfect witness protection, I was killed and left a will of sorts, nobody would know. However, I didn't think about how losing the grace that was inside my vessel would affect me. It turns out that doing something like that is a stupid idea because it takes forever to restore what I lost. And it was only delayed when Metatron closed heaven. But it's done now and I'm back to my previous amazing self. Ta-daa."


"Sam," Dean's voice came out from the phone that was fallen at Gabriel's feet, "Sam are you ok? Whats going on? Who's there?"

"Dean," Sam bent and picked up the phone, he could have sworn that he heard Gabriel say, 'Now that's a sight really worth dying for,' but by the time he turned around with the phone in hand, Gabriel was gone. "Dean, I'm ok, the demons are dead."

"Are you hurt?"

"Not anymore, I was healed." Sam prodded the place where he was stabbed expectantly to find that the skin wasn't even red.

"By who?"

"Umm, I'm not sure if it was real, but I was healed by Gabriel." Sam winced as he heard his brother draw a breath and he might have heard Dean count to ten and back before he responded.

"The Trickster? Didn't he die like six, seven years back?" The anger in Dean's tone let Sam know how pissed his brother was of the whole situation.

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