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Summer is over. As I enter the classroom and begin my third year at Uni, I can’t help but be on a bit of an edge. My course advisor for some ungodly reason scheduled me, an English major, for Criminal Justice and Government courses. I completely bombed every course I took on the matters in secondary school, so needless to say, I feel completely out of my element.

I can’t say I’m particularly upset about the fact that summer is indeed over, and that the rare sun we do get will soon be replaced by the dreary Nottingham winter. I quite enjoy the rain, and I can’t say I really leave my flat all that often. Flatmates do get rather annoyed by that, I suppose (and I’m sure they had a celebration when I went back to Killarney for a week).

I take a seat in an aisle seat towards the back, mostly because I can guarantee you that I won’t be able to handle the people. My poetry book, and my 1950’s style don’t necessarily fit in with the future lawyers, MP, and future investigators.

We take roll and I desperately am trying to not have horrible flashbacks to the times I last took courses like these ones. Everyone here seems to already know one another, and I slowly sink into my chair waiting for the end to come. When the prof asks everyone to pair up and collaborate to talk over a court case, I try to make myself as unnoticeable as possible...which I must admit, I’m quite good at.

I turn around to see if anyone is in a similar situation as myself, and thankfully find that I’m not alone. Adjacent to my seat, I’m shocked to find a guy wearing a black v neck shirt on, and clubmaster glasses...and he’s looking at me. I smiled slightly, and his vacant face quickly erupted into an almost menacing glare. It sent severe shivers up my spine and caused me to quickly turn back around. Well... I guess I don’t necessarily have a partner in him.

As I tried to read about this terrible case, I could feel the unnamed glarer burning a hole into my head, which put me on even more of an edge. Thankfully the next hour passed, and the second class was released, I practically jumped out of my seat. When I turned to leave, the v neck wearing glarer was nowhere to be seen, and I was on my way to my next course to learn about the ever exciting government...

I entered the classroom to see pretty much everyone of the people from my previous class, and even more people...joy. I was forced to sit in the only seat...directly in front of my dear friend, vneck boy. The moment I sat down, I could feel his heated gaze fall onto my shoulders, and I sighed waiting to die or for class to end...whichever came first.

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