Romano X Reader X Italy LEMON: Movie Night

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Romano X Reader X Italy (LEMON): Movie Night

I sighed as I walked up the doorstep to my best friends house. Them friends are Feliciano and Lovino Vargas. We've known eachother since Kindergarten. I love the death out of them, bu come on! I was just about to go to sleep when Feli called and asked if I could come over a watch a movie with him and his brother. Of course, I said yes. So, here I am, nine-thirty at night, at their front doorstep, going to watch a movie.

Before I could even knock, the door swung open to reveal Feli, Lovino's younger brother. He smiled a close-eyed smile and pulled me in. "I'a never thought you'd-a get here, bella!"He smiled and brung me into the living room, where Romano had made the couch his domain. I say that 'cause, well, he was sprawled all over it. 'That bitch is moving over.....' "Go on and sit! I'mma go get the pastaaa~!" I giggled at his obessesion with the food. Walking over to Romano, I crossed my arms and looked at him with the most serious face I could pull off.

He glared at me. "What-a h*ll do you want, ragazza?" I glared back and pointed at the couch in which he basically controlled..... for now.

I looked at Lovino with puppy dog eyes. "I want to sit dooooown. Here. On da couch." A light shade of pink dusted over his cheeks, but, nonetheless, he growled.

"No. Now, ragazza, go find somewhere else to sit." You groaned as Lovino just made himself more confortble on the couch. Looking at the spot where his legs crossed, you began to think... Until I came up with something simple and just a bit stupid. I sat down on his crossed legs, near the end of the couch. "Wh-what the hell?! Get o-off, now! Oh dio mio!" he was flustered but also mad at the same time. He tried to push you off, you know, tried, but he failed.

"Should've of moved if you didn't want me to sit here~" You smirked, triuphantly. He tried to move you off once again, but failed. Once again.

Feli came into the room with three plates of pasta. 'And how did he manage to carry all that in here without help?' I have no clue. H ehanded one to Lovino and one to me, keeping the last to himself. "Ve~ What movie are we watching? I was thinking The Blind Side." I nodded slowly, thinking that his choice was actually a pretty good idea. Until Lovino happened.

"I think we should watch Hatfields and McCoys?" Me and Feli looked at him and shook our heads. "What?! Those are some good fucking movies, si!" Me and Feli shook our heads again. "Well, since your sitting on me, I think it would be fair to let me pick the movie!"

"I can get up any time, you know...." I whistled.

"Then do it!" Romano exclaimed.

I smacked his arm lightly. "You didn't let me finish! As I was saying........ But, I'm not going to~!" I smiled innocently. Feli laughed whilst Romano cussed at me in Italian and face palmed.

"Idiotas....." he muttered. I giggled and nudged him.

"You don't mean that, now do you, Lovi~" He blushed scarlet, scowled, and looked away.

"Don't. Call. Me. That! Ragazza stupido."

I gasped in fake shock and fluttered my hand just inches away from my heart. "Lovino! That hurt~!" I looked away and smirked at Feliciano, who giggled in return. Lovino looked over, mad at himself for hurting me.

"Look, ragazza, Mi dispiance, okay?" He growled and I laughed...... and glomped him.

"Thank you, Lovi~!" l laughed without noticing Feli's jaw tick in annoyance. Lovino growled and pushed me off. Feli laughed lightly and tackled me into a hug. I hugged him back and missed the smirk he threw at his older brother. I heard a growl behind me and turned to see Lovino watching up intently. I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Jealous, eh?" I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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Romano X Reader X Italy LEMON: Movie NightWhere stories live. Discover now