The Birth of Elements

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It was a bright day in the clash universe,Sun shining,beautiful fluffy white clouds,light blue sky,not a single dark cloud to be seen,today was a special day,an unexpected day,an important day.
The Grand Warden was running about the village to his spell hut,he made sure this ritual would be done right,every 1,000 years 4 children will magically be born with special abilities,3 of good and one of evil,his job is to make sure this is all done correctly and he eliminates the evil one.The other heroes gathered with him,watching as he placed down four cauldrons,and filled them up with sacred spells,he filled one with fire and lava as the book told him to,Ice and Snow in the next as the sacred book said so,the next was a lightning spell,and the last with.....Rage???
He awaited to see them be born,the cauldrons were shaking and out of the fire as expected came out a fireball throwing wizard,he was newborn and he looking at himself in the mirror.I shall call you Freddy said the Grand Warden as he picked him up,next the ice one was shaking,out popped an ice wizard a rare and incredible wizard,he jumped onto the Archer Queen's arms,he was already speaking Finnish,She kissed his nose lightly and said,"I shall name you Johannes."The electric one was shaking and out popped an electro wizard he struck a few bolts at the King and laughed evily,the King groaned of anger and picked him up,"I shall name you,Erin."And out popped the soon to be evil child,He jumped out screaming and pushed through all three heroes,he was the evil one he must be eliminated,he was fast on his feet and ran away from them,until a pekka stopped him in his tracks,She picked him up and gave him to the King,The king sat him on a Log (The Log) he lifted his sword in the air and he swung,the swung was blocked by an all elemental shot,electricity,fire,and ice stunned the king,the babies could already speak and told to king to stop,that no matter how evil this child may be,he is family,The King shrugged and said,"Fine,you're all family,die as a family!!!!,".The king's sword was blocked by a staff and a bow,The queen and Warden agreed,let the child live,lets see how evil he really is.The ritual was meant to end with the evil baby being shot out of a mortar and send him or her to the ruthless arena where he will learn what hardship and discipline is.I shall name you Lucius said the Warden as he picked him up and fed him a bottle of rage.He laughed as he grew into an infant then a toddler!!!He grew at an alarming rate along with the others,in a week they were all grown up wizards.All they needed was training....

I hope you liked this chapter, I am trying real hard but school gets in the way,I hope I can write more,for now,CLASH ON!!!


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