Nnoitra x Reader

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So,  before I start this I just want to say a few things.
This is my first time doing this so please don't get mad if it's not that great.
Also, constructive criticism is welcome, just don't be mean just to be mean, like I said, this is my first time doing this sort of thing.
Well, on to the chapter I guess.
(Btw, Nnoitra will be a little bit OOC so bear with me)
F/N=Friend name if you didn't know

~Reader's Pov~
I was wandering the halls of Las Noches with (F/N) while they complained about their Espada, Grimmjow "I hate how that STUPID cat works me to the bone every day, if I didn't know better i'd say he was trying to kill me!" While they kept complaining about everything, I was daydreaming about a certain quinto Espada when..."itaiiii, what was that for" I said as I waited for my back side to stop hurting "Oi, watch where you're going woman!" Oh no, why him,  why of all people did I have to bump into him! I thought as I tried to keep my growing blush hidden "s-sorry N-nnoitra, I didn't see you" He gave me a quick glance before looking away "tch, whatever, Lord Aizen wants all Espada and their Fraccion in the meeting room" After hearing that I got up,  grabbed (F/N) and ran to the meeting room so we wouldn't get in trouble for being late.

~Nnoitra's Pov~
Jeez, she's such a pain, but I can't stop thinking about her. What's this weird feeling in my chest, And why won't it go away?

~Time skip to after the meeting~
~Reader's Pov~
Nnoitra was acting really weird during the meeting, he kept staring at me for whatever reason, maybe (F/N) will know what to do.

~Small time skip~
"(F/N)!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!! (F/N)!!" I kept knocking till finally the door opened "itai! (Y/N) why do you have to be so loud, I was trying to sleep" They said as a yawn escaped their lips "gomen (F/N), but I really need to talk to you, it's important"
(F/N)  looked reluctant, but finally gave in "alright, what'cha wanna talk about"

(You tell them everything, including the fact that you have a crush on him) "Omg, (Y/N), I think he likes you!" "I-i don't know about that, i-i mean, any time we're in the same room he mostly yells at me, or he just ignores me" I said sadly "well, why don't you go talk to him?" I looked at (F/N) like they were crazy "I don't think-" "Either you go tell him of you're own free will or I will drag you to him and force you to tell him, now go!" "Ok, ok, I'm going, I'm going"

~Nnoitra's Pov~
"So you get a weird feeling in you're chest and you can't get her out of you're head, hmm?" Grimmjow said, looking confused. I nodded. "Well, I don't know what to tell you, I don't know much about feeling's, but if you want my advise, go talk to her, tell her how you feel." I thought for a moment "I never thought I'd say this Grimmjow, but you're right, thanks."

~Time skip~
~Reader's Pov~
I searched everywhere for Nnoitra, but I couldn't find him. I was on my way back to my room when I bumped into someone. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact, but no pain came, instead I felt two arms around my waist keeping me from falling. I looked up to see Nnoitra looking down at me. "N-nnoitra..." "(Y/N), are you ok?" When I realized how close we were I looked down to hide the huge blush forming. "H-hai, I'm ok, thank you Nnoitra" "(Y/N), there's something I need to talk to you about"

I didn't want him to see me blushing so I continued to look down "w-what is it?" "I don't know what this feeling is, but I can't stop thinking about you and whenever you're around, I get a weird feeling in my chest, do you know what this feeling is?" I was shocked does this mean he likes me back? "I-i think what your feeling is l-love" He was silent for a moment before he lifted my head so that I was looking at him and suddenly I felt his lips on mine, in a sweet and passionate kiss. I closed my eyes and we stood there for what felt like ages, before we parted "does this mean you'll be mine" he asked, resting his forehead against mine, I placed a quick peck on his lips "does that answer your question?" "I love you (Y/N)" "I love you too Nnoitra"

And that's the end of my very first one-shot, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Like I said at the beginning, constructive criticism is welcome.

And if you did enjoy and want to make a request then by all means, just comment right here ⬅

I'll try to update this book at least once a week
Bye bye Minna!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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