🖤Sam 🖤

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Hello guys * grins * I'm Sam

I'm 20 years old

Single ----> bi
Looking I guess * shrugs * not really sure yet
My main focus is on my son tucker * smiles down at him while he is laying on his back playing with his toys*
Tucker is 2 months old
By day I'm a construction worker by night I'm a dad * smiles*

I finished high school by the age of 17
Got Tucker's mom pregnant when she was 16.
Helped her and was supporting her until she didn't want to be a part of mine and Tucker's life anymore. So now it is me and tucker against the world 🌎!

If you would like to get to know me hmu sometime :)

Nice talking to you love

{ note he calls all females love so don't feel special if he calls you love}

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