"I fell into a pond... and found a lizard thing?"

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Clonk. Clonk. Clonk.

The woods were usually undisturbed.

Clonk. Clonk. Clonk.

Uncharted and dangerous. No one dared go alone, or rather no one even came close at all.

Clonk. Clonk. Clonk.

So to say it was unusual for there to be so much noise disturbing the usual silence of the woods was an understatement.

Clonk. Clonk.

A tall boy was sauntering through the forest.

A floppy hat sat atop his head, with a bleach white cloth covering his eyes from view. Bright blue robe cloth hangs over his right shoulder crossing over a tan torso. High leather sandals on his feet and an assortment of necklaces hung from his neck over bandages that covered his upper chest. A sachel hung loosely from his left shoulder, filled with many gangling trinkets and magical items.

A thick smoothed down brach was grasped in his right hand holding it out in front of himself to map the forest floor ahead as he walked. He would occasionally trip every now and again walking in an unfamiliar place with upturned soil and tree roots shooting up just enough to go unnoticed but still be hazardous to a toe or two.

Lance had gotten himself into trouble again. Though it really wasn't his fault if you asked him. The idiots that had cornered him in the ratty bar were asking for it.

He was BLIND for peat sake. It wasn't like he was aiming for the guys head as he was waving his staff around, arguing heatedly with the bartender on why he couldn't get a water for free. It was WATER, he could have literally summoned some himself if he wished, but he was lazy and just wanted to do it like a normal person for once. Was that really too much to ask?

But back to the problem at hand. After hitting the jerk in the face. Lance had tried to settle the dispute with reason. It was never very good at reasoning.
He put his staff into a small sheath on his back and then proceeded to try and get out of a bar fight without using violence. Hunk would not be happy with Lance if he heard that he had gotten into another fight and may just ban him from his bakery. Lance would not jeopardise Hunks home made food for anything!

Not very surprisingly it turns out that Lance is not very good at calming down angry drunk men at bars. So he found himself being hit from behind and knocked onto the floor and with one final kick to the head he was out cold.

Only to wake up who knows how many hours later who knows where.

He had promptly made sure all his items were with him when he had first woken up in the underbrush of the forest floor. Happy to find that none of his belongings had been taken. The idiots were either too drunk to try and steal anything from him or simply thought it wasn't worth the effort after they came across the awesome spell that Lance had cast over his belongings.

If a stranger were to try and make a grab for anything under the spell, the item would become extremely hot toward those who had not originally cast the spell. It worked great for Lance, too many times had he gotten home to his shack only to find that multiple items from his bag were missing. The spell was a pain to cast needing multiple fire stones, a ruby, two toes of mullmafe, and a velvet feather. But so very very worth it. He hadn't had a pickpocket problem in a month and whenever someone tried they would find themselves with burnt hands. Sometimes they would make a noise of surprise or pain and Lances staff would be swinging back to conk them in the head and leave them out cold in the middle of the streat.

What kind of ass hole would steal from a blind person anyway?

But now Lance was at a loss of what to do next.

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