Good Riddance

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I am proud of who I am.
I am definitely not perfect,
But I strive to be good.
Which, evidently is more than you are.

You spread hateful words,
Despite your previous words of "love."
Do you even know what love is?
Because I do not think you do.
Or maybe you do, but you are blinded
By other hatred.

Love is acceptance.
Love is kindness.
Love is sweet.

You, however,
You are blinded by hatred.
You say hurtful things.
You despise difference.
You celebrate bigotry,
Where you should be celebrating
What makes us each unique.

We are all different.
Everyone has the choice to choose
If they want to be guided by love
Or if they want to see the world
Through hateful eyes.

You made your choice.
I just wish it hadn't been the wrong one.

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